Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah in Action Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #41589

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 253 through 258 (of 303 total)
  • Author
    • #283787

      What has inspired me is this wisdom of correct receiving through connection that can be felt in the course work. I have learned my responsibility to correct my part that is in other souls. I wish for my fellow students deep connection that brings an eternal filling of the light.

    • #282539
      Theresa H

      What most inspired me in the course? that God is in control of the world.
      What have I learned about myself in the process? That what ever is out of my control I don’t have to spend so much time to stress over. Yes there is a lot of suffering and bad in the world but, we as humans are going through a process of change continuously through our evolutionary process to become less like animals and more like our Creator.

      What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development? To be the the flames that help brighten the world.

    • #282024
      Gelaye Gudisa

      Great course

    • #281884
      Maria B. W12

      I think, Julian took us through the not so easy subject in a highly inspirational and kind manner. Having experienced  a temporary period of emotional difficulties I am thankful for that, and wish to my fellow students to progress towards spiritual connection with the same ease and kindness as Julian showed us.

    • #281565

      I have realised more about egoism and what it really is. This has also made me more aware of my own egotistic desires and how I need help to overcome these desires. By doing so, I look forward and am inspired to be in service to more people, as I progress within Kabbalah.

      I wish to thank Julian and everyone else involved in this course for all of their efforts in imparting this wisdom.

    • #281525

      What most inspired me in the course?
      The growing desire to connect with people, rather than repel them, is a trait that was once vibrant in me, but seems to have gone dormant. So, through this study, I feel like I’m reawakening my desire to connect with people, and that’s exciting.

      What have I learned about myself in the process?
      That I have a lot to correct, and if I approach situations with the mindset of pleasing the Creator, a vast amount of suffering washes away.

      What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?
      I wish for us all to connect, and look forward to hopefully soon working with them in a 10.

Viewing 6 posts - 253 through 258 (of 303 total)
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