Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #28820

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 475 through 480 (of 621 total)
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    • #286965

      I am inspired by the information that has now become available to all who wish to seek and experience it first hand.

      I have learned that by setting my intentions to receive and then bestow, altruism, and equivalence with the upper force allows us to become a co-creator with the upper force.

      We are no longer limited by the illusion of what we perceive with our five senses, which is joyful, liberating, and unlocks the key to our purpose and reason for being.

      My greatest wish for all participants, teachers and students, to continue to be blessed in their pursuit of spiritual growth.  Thank you all.


    • #286822

      The lesson -The Power of Books- with Lio and Chris was very inspiring. They are both great teachers and I thank them for that.
      I feel more complete and closer to the Creator after this course. I understood who Israel is and it’s like I discovered the “ark of the covenant” inside KabU. I’m feeling so grateful for that.
      I pray for all students and all humans to expand their point in the heart, to feel love and connection with everything.

    • #285335

      What inspired me the most?

      – Finding a community of like-minded spiritual seekers who have dedicated themselves to the attainment of the upper forces of reality and the hope that I may myself one day reach equivalence of form with the creator.

      What did I learn about myself in the process?

      – Probably my biggest takeaway is the concept of infinite bestowal/reception and how those two forces shape our desires and the evolution of reality, and how, through the wisdom of Kabbalah, use our will to receive in an altruistic manner. Knowledge of the path of pain vs. the path of light has provided me with a new awareness of how my life unfolds and how I can use the wisdom of Kabbalah to walk a higher purpose and align myself with the intent of the creator. Lastly, the point in the heart really resonates with me. It explains why I have had and obsession with the unseen worlds and spiritual forces since I was child.

      What I wish for my fellow students?

      – Wherever your spiritual journey takes you, may you find peace, joy, equanimity and compassion with wisdom in your practice and in your daily lives.

    • #285253

      What most inspired me in the course?

      That we have will to receive program.

      What have I learned about myself in the process?

      To sustain true happiness we just need to make to make correction of  will to receive to become will to bestow.

      What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?


    • #285105

      1. Its so inspiring to go beyond the fear of our own narcissism now that we realize that is an equivalence in  form to our fear of the Creator.

      2. I finally stopped worrying and learned to love the Tsar Bomba.  (No, I’m not Dr. Strangelove.)

      3.  I wish for me and my fellow students the ability to keep our flush toilets, jelly doughnuts, and all the accoutrements afforded by the high technology of the Modern Egypt, and thence to maintain an attitude of total abandonment of all that to save one flower, one child, one soul abandoned in the desert, where we first found the Creator and were given the Torah.

    • #284861

      I was inspired by learning about the upper reality and through changing my intention and realizing my journey of study for the equivalence of form.  I wish love and connection to all my fellow students and peace and harmony in the world!

Viewing 6 posts - 475 through 480 (of 621 total)
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