Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

New Home Forums Course Forums The Spiritual Partnership 2. Understanding Our Human Nature Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

  • #37780

    Tal Mandelbaum

    Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 88 total)
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    • #43522
      T.Y. Light

      I feel like I’ll never find a partner on the same path

      • #54398
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Hi there! Don’t worry, there are infinite possibilities, and the Creator has many ways.

        Trust that the right relationship is on its way to you. You just need to do your work to be the right partner in preparation for that! I have a small course for that on my Instagram.

    • #43229

      Absolutely true Tal.

      There is a general principle that ‘…if you find fault with another it’s because it is coming from within YOU’. For example, I often find myself being very critical of people who are over-weight, but if I look closely at my behaviour this attitude is coming from a place of greed and indiscipline within myself. I just happen to be lucky to have a good metabolism and not easily gain weight.

      But you will also find it is very exhausting trying to correct every critical thought that arises, which is why another general principle of universal forgiveness, of self and others, is so helpful. Just try to keep forgiving everyone and everything when judgement and condemnation arise. It’s a simple and effective practice that, with effort, eventually helps you reconnect with universal Love for all… xxx

      • #54393
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Lovely, thanks, Anthony!

        I agree, you can’t trace every criticism/annoyance to its exact internal reason. Rather it’s always an opportunity for us to correct the ego and choose love. These are reminders and opportunities to go above our ego/mind/self and connect to the field of love that is above us, and between us.

    • #43168
      T.Y. Light

      I feel its about ignoring your ego and being present and aware of the others needs, also learning to love their being and not just the body

      • #54399
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Yes, it’s about going above ego.
        Above our ego is a field of love and light…and that’s what we reveal when we do this work. We connect to a higher source of energy by connecting to the source that sends us these opportunities for work in the relationship.

    • #43040

      I agree that each time when I tried to change the person who can’t be changed I should have leave instead of trying to change him if he didn’t make me happy the way he is.. and the self work on ourselves is never ending but it only works in a relationship if both parties have the willingness to improve themselves..

    • #42534

      I think this society has turned physical lust into love and has skewed the true definition of love. We need to Remember love is not what we recieve from another it was we have within ourselves to give. Real love, love that is unconditional like nature’s does not love based on the sun shining and life giving us what we think we need. It is steady, never changing, patient and kind all the tine showing it cares and is attentive to needs of others.

    • #42331

      I believe in loving your partner for all they are.  However, people’s ego is unlovable and destroys the ability to love completely.  As you may have guessed, I am not in a relationship and haven’t been for a long time.  Although I have loved because of the love inside of me, it only caused pain.  More than romance, I have always longed for a connection/relationship with the creator.  This is where my true heart is.  I believe Kabbalah will show me the way.

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 88 total)
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