Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

New Home Forums Course Forums The Spiritual Partnership 2. Understanding Our Human Nature Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

  • #37780

    Tal Mandelbaum

    Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 78 total)
  • Author
    • #42534

      I think this society has turned physical lust into love and has skewed the true definition of love. We need to Remember love is not what we recieve from another it was we have within ourselves to give. Real love, love that is unconditional like nature’s does not love based on the sun shining and life giving us what we think we need. It is steady, never changing, patient and kind all the tine showing it cares and is attentive to needs of others.

    • #42331

      I believe in loving your partner for all they are.  However, people’s ego is unlovable and destroys the ability to love completely.  As you may have guessed, I am not in a relationship and haven’t been for a long time.  Although I have loved because of the love inside of me, it only caused pain.  More than romance, I have always longed for a connection/relationship with the creator.  This is where my true heart is.  I believe Kabbalah will show me the way.

    • #42201

      “FORGIVENESS”,Being together since 85.

      Communication is extremely important & there’s where we go wrong

    • #41985

      I’m just getting out of a six-year relationship and I could not figure out for the life of me why she wasn’t willing to continue to try because I am so amazing.  LOL

      1) I tried to change her during the entire 6 years rather than accepting her for who she is.
      2) I thought by leading by example or using manipulation to motivate her to change but again  me and my ego.
      3) now I’m a single old man left with his ego

    • #41204

      I felt Tal was presenting herself positively, I’m Aware of people’s body language. My negative feelings towards the twins were because of their negative talk and hard gestures, if that makes sense? But connection is so important and the next stage of evolution. I feel connection even though the watery flame.

    • #40890

      The information was golden, of course. I’ve been studying this material for about 3 years and took the free courses at KabU in 2018 so, I’m familiar with the concepts. But I was happy to hear about the narrators new found happiness. Happiness = health!!

      • #54471
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Thank you Michael! It’s always good to hear these principles over and over! I know I need to. Our self/ego is new every day 🙂

      • #54470
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Thank you Michael! It’s always good to hear these principles over and over! I know I need to. Our self/ego is new every day 🙂

      • #54469
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Thank you Michael! It’s always good to hear these principles over and over! I know I need to. Our self/ego is new every day 🙂

      • #54468
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Thank you Michael! It’s always good to hear these principles over and over! I know I need to. Our self/ego is new every day 🙂

      • #54467
        Tal Mandelbaum

        Thank you Michael! It’s always good to hear these principles over and over! I know I need to. Our self/ego is new every day 🙂

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 78 total)
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