Share your impressions and experience from listening to the book of Zohar. What feelings did it evoke in you?

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  • #29781

    Share your impressions and experience from listening to the book of Zohar. What feelings did it evoke in you?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 188 total)
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    • #338628

      My mind was so in the way attempting to intellectualize it during the English version.

      During the Hebrew version, I felt one with the reader.  I recognized Tony’s voice, so was as if attempting to feel what he feels. It was a sensation of purity, warmth and light.

    • #338470

      Definitely prefer the english version. Even though i dont really understand what is being said, it creates a picture and I find it quite soothing. Do you have the zoar read in audiobook form?

    • #338425

      When I read the Hebrew text. Although I did not understand it I had an ‘in Israel’ feeling  closer to the original. It was a feeling that lasted longer  then when reading the text in English. (which was  hard to  recap also.). It reminded me of a lesson ‘how to draw’.The subject to draw was kept upside down. So you had to use your right hemisphere.

    • #338247

      It is also true that the translation from Hebrew to Arabic was better and clearer. I believe that studying Hebrew first to study the Zohar is better and enables the student to understand the meaning correctly.

    • #338020

      Tijden deze lessen kreeg ik meer  de drang naar meer. De lessen zijn boeiend gebracht en mijn verwondering groot  dat wij  dt nu  in onze tijd mogen lezen en ervaren wat zoveel jaren eerder werd geschreven. Ik denk dat dit  het goede moment  is en de wereld  het  nodig  heeft  om tot connectie  te komen in liefde en zo een betere samenleving . Ik stelde  mezelf de vraag: waarom kom ik nu  dat  boek tegen?  Wat doet het met mij? En ik besef nu  beter de invloed mijn daden op  de hele mensheid en dus dat ik behoedzaam moet zijn met woord en daad

    • #336786
      Seamus Dolan

      Struggled with the “intellect” during both versions which is interesting as this is the subject of the very first of the five tips on How to Read the Zohar. So definitely much more work required!

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 188 total)
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