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New Home Forums Course Forums Standing On The Threshold 1. This Is Where? Share your insights and impressions from this lesson with fellow students.

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    • #356628

      Yes I know there’s a future and I sort of understand that it is not external even if seems that way but internal to me. Covid certainly reinforced the idea of the chaos theory and our mutual responsibility for  each other. Did it teach us enough though? How many more shoves do we need to experience?

    • #333611
      Ali Nadalipour

      So sad about what’s happening now.but hope to see better days coming.deep concept  of kab is out of grasp for me yet.

    • #332843


    • #327800
      Ernest Karlsson

      Everything seems enveloped in chaos without order but in there somewhere is an order. Hopefully I will see this order in my lifetime.

    • #327153

      At the latest when I became 9 1/2, I had no more interest in the matter, because I understood, this is not real, there is not happiness in it. But until today I had not stopped hoping that the truth of God will win, will be obvious, so that I am also seen. Now the Creator has weakened the Internet connection, and everything I had written, you know it was the truth and in detail, flung into the void. Again a reason why I, now I – spit on the Creator, and say: if you have caused all this to me, you are not my Creator, because you are not worthy. You have known my soul, and stepped on it, and therefore you are false, and not worthy of me. Thereby you have annulled yourself. I honored you, but you were not my Creator. For My Father, who created me, would never annul Himself.

      Tony, there can be a future, if that would be my Intention. But I can’t intent something, I can’t feel, that it is hold, carried, shared and provided. Please notice – that I am losing my patience!

      Is this now enough!?

    • #319698

      It is just hard for me to grasp the concept of a “last generation”. After 14 billions year we are entering a new era and change will happen in a few hundreds of years? And a couple of humans can be part of it by working with the forces of nature? It’s just hard for me to understand.

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