Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

  • #55164

    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 378 total)
  • Author
    • #300438

      To have a clear understanding of what is the blueprint of creation!

    • #300397
      Nick Venter

      I have this enormous desire to know who I am, what is my destination and purpose. I have a unexplainable desire to know who I am, why am I here and to be able to walk in the Creators will,

    • #300286


      Just to clarify if Torah is the Blueprint of Creation!and more!

      thanks kindly

    • #299778

      I guess what brings me here is my desire to understand. Understand my purpose. Understand how I achieve my purpose. Understand how I’m supposed to live my life.

      I hope to gain clarity. Understanding. Confidence that I’m doing the right things … or wisdom to see where I’m going wrong.

    • #298969

      Hi. I am Chris from Birmingham UK. Knowledge. That’s what I expect from this course just like the previous ones.

    • #298889

      Hello! I’m Nate and doing my best to walk this path of change and believe that this course us.

Viewing 6 posts - 163 through 168 (of 378 total)
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