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New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

  • #55164

    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

Viewing 6 posts - 175 through 180 (of 352 total)
  • Author
    • #288818
      jose alvarado

      Shalom everyone my name is Jose Alvarado, I live in Colorado. my Aim or intention is to learn about myself and others to make this world a better place to live in. My hopes is through these lessen I can learn to fix my weakness and become a better person so that I can make a difference in this world.

    • #288704

      To learn more about Kabbalah

    • #288597

      I have been on a path for 11 years. I tried out many different things including Kabbalah. But like someone else said, they were very hard to understand. As soon as I listened to Tony explain it, I was hooked. It just felt right. I am very grateful for having found this place.

    • #288345

      I hope to gain more clarity as to the true purpose of our existence

    • #288125

      My name in Linda, I am of Italian descent born & raised in NJ – Attended Catholic schools, was looked after by the nuns in the convent after school until my mom picked me up after work  – Wanted to join the convent and become a nun as a young girl – That desire faded by the time I reached my pre-teens but I always pondered the meaning of life, the meaning of my life, mankind’s greater purpose, life after death, the existence of heaven and hell, existence of angels, etc. Now you must know, I pondered these thought seriously since I was of the age of about middle school into high school.  I used the library to get my hands on any and all books I could find related to these topics. I read about the occult and astrology as well as different world religions. I became a born again Christian after high school then lost interest because it wasn’t giving me the answers I desired deep within my soul. I studies buddhist philosophy for awhile and attended a buddhist temple, that didn’t stick either, I studied some wiccan, then some hinduism and hindu beliefs….felt like I was getting closer with hinduism and even some aspects of wiccan beliefs appealed to me, but I was still not quite there yet….I had studied all the great philosophers by the time I graduated high school, thanks to the HS Library, this is all pre-internet….then in college (also pre-internet) I took a religion and mythology course and one day the professor mentioned kabbalah, he didn’t go too deep into it and didn’t spend much time on it at all, but I had heard enough in that classroom that day to know that I wanted, I needed, to learn more about this “kabbalah”. So I invested in books (this is all pre-internet age) and tried to understand kabbalah through my own self study, but unfortunately, none of the books I read were understandable to me and I wasn’t getting much out of reading them, so I went out and bought more books, all with the same result, so I bought some more books, and sadly, I had the same result again and again…I just didn’t understand what I was reading…..it wasn’t feeding me and I grew frustrated, disappointed, and once again empty inside.  After college, I married, started a career, more school, had a baby, then more school, more career, built a home, traveled the world, oh, and in the meantime, I had been married in, and returned to, the Catholic church and faith of my youth, the faith that I was born into….that didn’t last for too long and I grew wrestless once again after a few years….so, fast forward to the last few years, my son is now 22 years old and I have recently been widowed….I have more time on my hands than I ever had in my entire life without having a husband and child to tend to or classes to go to…. although I am still immersed in my career and I still love it….and I don’t know why but one day recently I decided to google kabbalah on the internet, and I discovered toni kosinec’s course…kabbalah revealed, the full course, and I took the full course, studied it, took notes, and I learned more from that 1 course online then I had in all the books I had read on kabbalah combined.  Then I discovered other Rabbi’s on U-tube and more on kabbalah and eventually I landed here at KabU.  So, here I am and I am hoping that I finally found a permanent home here.  I have been on this quest for my entire life since I was a young girl, always a deep thinker, always asking the existential questions about life (my son is the very same way too, it is scary) and I’m hoping that I can find the answers to all my life’s questions here in kabbalah. I am also hoping to reconcile the science with spirituality because I am a trained scientist and I do follow the science, believe in the Big Bang Theory, etc….but I would also like to find the path that reconciles the science and the spiritual in such a way that doesn’t contradict the science but rather supplements the science perhaps adding another layer or dimension to the science that allows both the spiritual world and the scientific world to coexist in perfect unity, harmony, and beauty…..I am very eager to get started and I am looking forward to learning as much as possible with my remaining time in this life, my only regret is that it took me soooo long to find a way to learn kabbalah, I wish I had the internet years ago, but I am here now, I found KabU and here I go at Godspeed……………

    • #288063
      Sol Belo

      Hello, my name is Peter from California. My goal is to have a real grasp of life and the spiritual worlds

Viewing 6 posts - 175 through 180 (of 352 total)
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