What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like?

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  • #33160

    Gil Shir

    What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like?

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 116 total)
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    • #287084

      A form in perfect harmony with nature and with itself. The human species as a new organ of the planet. Just as the mycelial network of fungi forms the brain of the planet, the human organ will have a new function. I can’t imagine what this function will be because it will be something unprecedented, but it will certainly be something miraculous.

    • #286180
      dree monster

      like a network, a clock or transmission that works in harmony to create something

    • #283987
      Richard Lively

      First let me say, This is a great video.  I have been following Kabbalah now for about 5 years and finally decided to act.  I love how you approach this with a scientific method.  I honestly feel through science Kabbalah is explained so much better than through philosophy or the understandings that are so ancient many cannot grasp (even myself sometimes).  You did a great job explaining this Gil.


      On to the question.   The end result will be us, as in our souls.  They will correct and emerge together as one creature and return to the source of origin, the creator.  Its a beautiful circuit in theory i cannot wait to experience it.

    • #282875
      Tracy Russ

      We all emerge from One Source, which was shattered and very chaotic (maybe a type of ordered chaos). To me, humanity’s emergent form are the Disparate elements coming together and connecting to evolve potentially into something discerned as being greater more unified than its separated parts. Seemingly disconnected parts which unify/connect/ integrate can create balance, homeostasis.

      Like recognizing our intergrality in nature (not that we are separate, but perceive ourselves separately), and respecting and nuturing that connectedness, in all its forms which would make for a better humanity and ultimately a better healthier world.

      The emergent form of humanity would be like the collective mind and heart, bringing all types of people, with thier differing characteristics together as one working together interdependently for the sake/benefit of the collective Nature.

    • #281748
      Luc ANOUBRE

      I think we’ll live in a wonderfull world where everyone cares about the others.

    • #281155

      Love to read about your beautiful thoughts, visions and feelings my dear fellow “humans” 🙂 I would love to connect. Is there way for us to interact? If not. write me to dirk@paradisesyndicate.com In Lak Ech

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 116 total)
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