What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like?

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  • #33160

    Gil Shir

    What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like?

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 116 total)
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    • #302925

      we shall develop  each with his/ her talents  and like in our body all  cells work  together  to keep  the body in good health  and to  stay,  so we people must, work together  to become as  one whole   One big heart

    • #302764

      I can’t help but think that our technology will merge with us through AI. So can we create the creator through AI?

    • #300417
      Marko Podgorsek

      Humanity will be ‘in sync’.
      Some of us will be the ‘brains’, some of us will be ‘digestive tract’, some will be ‘nerves’ of a beeing called Humanity.
      All will function as it should, everybody will do what they’re supposed to do and they will want to do it.
      Everybody will feel the others needs, normal communcation (talking) will be reduced.
      This but in a way that we all do it consciously and willingly.

    • #298869
      Brian Sachs

      I imagine a desire (a heart). Also a mind and somehow a kli, screen and light. New ways of communicating would be cool too.

    • #295797
      Abbaa Naa’ol


      The emergence of humans. The narratives of human evolution are oft-told and highly contentious

    • #293904

      Humanity’s form of emergence, that is, “Human Emergence” undoubtedly will be something much greater than anything this world has ever seen.

      Perhaps together the emergent super collective organism we will finally solve Einstein’s theories AND develop the ability to travel throughout the cosmic universe, to other planets, in other galaxies, exploring deep space, perhaps we will encounter different amazing forms of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, both below and above us in terms of their intelligence, and perhaps this space travel will consist of jumping through “Worm Holes” enabling us to traverse the entire universe…perhaps Earthlings will colonize other planets in the universe, and perhaps those other planets will have resources we could use or transform into things we need, or perhaps we will meet super intelligent beings from another planet and they will help us by sharing and teaching us their ways and their culture and technologies…..perhaps we will develop cures and treatments to all the world’s most terrible diseases, or maybe we will gain the knowledge to develop all the necessary technologies to save planet Earth from Global Warming and all of the catastrophe’s and problems stemming from that, perhaps we will make advances in medical science to make the blind see again, and the cripple walk, the possibilities are ENDLESS one can only IMAGINE what might be possible once all of Humanity is “connected” in such a way that Human Emergence takes over, transforms us, and shows us how to live together, coexisting in a beautiful, peaceful, harmonious, world that is free of hate, greed, envy, lust, war, starvation, destruction, diseases, pollution, and all of the things that are not consistent with the plan of the Master.

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 116 total)
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