What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like?

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  • #33160

    Gil Shir

    What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like?

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 106 total)
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    • #312524

      Zoals  mieren,  e.a. insecten samenwerken,  wat zouden mensen   dan veel kunnen bereiken als ze zichzelf konden  integreren in de groep, in  de samenleving,  en samenwerken,  geen egoisme, de mensheid komt dan in   een  heel andere wereld van gelijkheid, eenheid,  vrede en geluk voor iedereen

    • #312333
      Jack Brenon

      Probably already predetermined by forces bigger than all of us and waiting to see what we choose to be?

    • #310643

      Out of this world!

    • #307368

      We don’t know what the abstract and esoteric levels of the spiritual world are like, there are no words to describe it the Kabbalist tell us.  So, once we reach unity, we’ll advance into unimaginable joy and happiness in the Light that some texts say is “1000 times brighter than 1000 suns”.

    • #304697

      a godlike entity moving forces – whose thoughts create miracles throughout the known universe and who manifests matter in form from its mind!

    • #304107
      Anayo Nzute

      i imagine a form where all part works for the benefit of the whole just like the organ and cells of the body.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 106 total)
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