What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like?

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  • #33160

    Gil Shir

    What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 116 total)
  • Author
    • #313670
      Aleksandar Milic

      Thank you so much 💓 💗 💛 💖

    • #313669
      Aleksandar Milic

      I would like to all of you see and fee  like me. I am with you with all my heart  and so I lo y I am happy and our fat

    • #313667

      It will be home.

    • #313432
      Seeker of Wisdom

      Hopefully moving toward the greater good of all, emerging into a society based on true wisdom. It would be nice to see mankind working on the best solutions to any and all projects moving it the right direction with the right intention(s), as opposed to billions of egos all moving in opposite selfish directions.

    • #312524

      Zoals  mieren,  e.a. insecten samenwerken,  wat zouden mensen   dan veel kunnen bereiken als ze zichzelf konden  integreren in de groep, in  de samenleving,  en samenwerken,  geen egoisme, de mensheid komt dan in   een  heel andere wereld van gelijkheid, eenheid,  vrede en geluk voor iedereen

    • #312333
      Jack Brenon

      Probably already predetermined by forces bigger than all of us and waiting to see what we choose to be?

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 116 total)
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