What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 342 total)
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    • #327836
      Ali Nadalipour

      AAm confused if i have pain how can i want from the creator to chage me . essence of pain is changable?even if i change my intention?

    • #326869

      Kabbalah is science! ( quantum mechanics?)

    • #326757

      Based on the “The Essence…” clips, it sounds like Kabbalah focuses on work on the ego to bring about understanding through inner experience. It’s in contrast to meditation, which focuses on suppressing the ego. It’s also in contrast to religions’ focus on belief.

    • #326268

      I wasn’t aware of the emphasis on receiving and desires but it makes sense as the lifelong chasing after different human desires does tend to lead towards the desire to know god.

    • #323147
      M H

      I have come to understand things in a different way.

      1) The biggest is the meaning of ” There is no other God before me. ” It means there is no other power but Him. The hindrance of guilt was a factor in holding me back from returning to Him.  Knowing this one thing is a game changer.

      When I fell He was pushing!

      My sorrow is a gift.

      My failure is a learning,

      Creator freely gives.

      So I can have correction,

      and learn to be like Him,

      So I can stop collection,

      bestowal can begin.

      2) Faith proving successful, then producing a Knowing  which caused it to be more difficult to have Faith above logic. . A concept unlikely I would have ever grasp on my own, even after experiencing the difficulty. How quickly I fell away!

      And so much more.

      Thank you. I know this is just beginning but it has already changed a part of me.

    • #322960

      I learned that Kabbalah is much more than religion and beliefs. It was quite interesting to study Kabbalah and see that many other paths that I’ve studied have some of the same concepts, however, Kabbalah teaches beyond these other paths by directly showing you how to develop one’s spirituality, if one continues to progress in Kabbalah.

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 342 total)
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