What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 342 total)
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    • #338571
      Donna Zegman

      One of the most intriguing discoveries for me was the idea of Tikkun Olam, which means ‘repairing the world.’ It suggests that our actions contribute to the healing and perfecting of the world, which resonates deeply with my belief in the power of positive impact and the responsibility we all share to make the world a better place.

      Developing the soul is the stepping stones to accomplishing this task!

    • #338101
      Tega Elam

      I discovered that in Kabbalah, prayer is done thru the heart not necessarily thru spoken word, and when we would previously ask to be removed from an unfavorable situation we may have been negating the fact that the unfavorable situation was necessary for our continued spiritual growth

    • #337984

      That it’s not a religion.

    • #335958
      Amarilys Del Orbe

      There are so many things I have discovered about Kabbalah that are new to me. Something I found interesting is that we don’t have a soul but the potential to develop one through the point in the heart. I don’t understand what that means fully but have a desire to find out.


    • #333880

      I have discovered I need to adjust my semantics.

    • #333846


Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 342 total)
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