What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 343 total)
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    • #289226

      Everything you have said is new to me, and resonates so deeply with what I have always felt about my reality. Thank you

    • #289052

      to love more than you ,, pray if I may say had to change word’s,,, not in your needs or won’t but to truly appreciate and ask for gidence for yourself to help others

    • #289031

      What was new to me was more what Kabbalah is not. Mostly, I’ve been very happy to learn that Kabbalah is not a religion and does not anthropomorphize Source, something I’ve always had issues with when dealing with most religions and one of the reasons I have always been drawn to philosophical Taoism — as soon as you “name” Source (i.e. make it anthropocentric in any way), you are no longer talking about the true Source (Tao) but really just layering it with something comfortable and relatable, which can lead to only having a surface, intellectual understanding of something so much greater that should be intuited and felt, rather than intellectualized.

    • #287762
      Adelina Santos

      I have discovered in kabbalah that the true reality is whole, that our perception makes us feel that everything is separated and unrelated.

    • #287721

      That we live in an holographic really. Everything is related to everything else

    • #287517

      It is important to change your perspective in order to change your reality. If we let ego get it the way, we suffer as well as those in our life.

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 343 total)
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