What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #284630
      Rick Reed Sr

      That previous avenues of information were in code and that helps explain why it was confusing to me and didn’t quite set right. I am discovering the process.

    • #284253

      All of the KabU videos on you tube that I have watched so far have been eye opening. The fact that Kabbalah is a science with an actual method of attainment was very encouraging. The explanations given have been excellent from the structure of this world and the spiritual world, the encoding of books in the  the language of roots and branches is fascinating and the need to actually develop your soul. Also that you have a spark that needs to be nurtured, a point in the heart like a seed to be planted and grown and many other interesting ideas that I have never been exposed to before.

      • #287188

        What is called “scientific” in this world is NOT so. We decide what we expect and then set up experiments to prove it – observer’s bias. “Scientific” would be … observing what is without any bias, have reality unveil itself to my/our understanding. There’s soo much hope here … for things to make sense.

    • #284169

      The fact that it is a science, and moreover, a science of everything, of the intellect and of the heart. By studying it we can come to a full understanding of what exists and why. And most importantly how to relate to the whole system and evolve.

    • #282952

      It seems to be simple and complicated at the same time.

    • #282754

      That communication coming from your heart, is the way to communicate through prayer and guidance. I feel a sense of relief. My communication has always come from the heart 1st (and ego🤣). I have to feel in order to learn and in general education it came across as slow or always daydreaming. But feeling and processing is how I learn. I have been asking where can I be in this world with that kind of “thinking”?

      I just discovered that communication from the heart is a start.
      I am grateful to have learned this today.

    • #282353
      V C

      I’ve discovered a question: Was the purpose of Creation simply to create a question? Was the result an infinite loop of that unanswered/unasked question?

Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 342 total)
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