What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #55975

      That u can’t do it alone and my whole life I have thought the need to b to b separate and alone .With no desire? Whatsoever  for others  its not that I’m anti-social  ( well kinda) but  don’t feel a need to interact more than necessary with people or socialize beyond common courtesy  or sharing more than to a shallow depth  I actually believed those feelings n viewpoints  were a gift or a  deeper understanding  blessed with. I WAS WRONG IT SEEMS   which is ok because I had a teacher who  taught me the importance of a community with like minded and goaled members “Family”

    • #55947
      Madell Weathers

      That anyone who desires to know the truth and possess the knowledge of KABALLAH you can

    • #55541

      Hello Friends,

      Starting out I did not know even all the misinformation about Kabbalah, but as I advance through the courses it has the internal repairing qualities so needed in these times  and it has a flow to it. It seems as if everything moves in one and same dirrection and the information that you read provokes other questions that continuing on will be answered.

    • #55513

      These concepts are both new and familiar to me. I’ve read about them before however it’s refreshing to be reminded that everything is already perfect, it’s all about how we adapt. Traditional religious prayer is bargaining with God and also that it is okay to receive so long as we realize our intention behind receiving and with that intention, give back. I love the analogy of the host preparing a dinner for the guest and the guest giving back by enjoying the feast. It helped put the concept of receiving and bestowing into comprehensible perspective.

    • #55341

      After I walked away from the religion of my childhood because of trauma, the fragment of kli in my heart sat like a splinter in a festering wound, symbolizing disconnection not only from the larger kli of all humanity, but from my particular community. My need for reconnection to something larger grew only bigger over time.

      After these lessons (like, “formal religious beliefs actually impede spirituality” – WOW, my heart has not sensed a truer thing spoken by a spiritual teacher before…), I am now feeling that the teachings from the spiritual journey I have been on for the past several years (a 12 step program for eating disorders, & the kundalini yoga) have actually, all along, been the Creator holding my hand and gradually walking me home, in a sense (toward my spiritual inheritance, but without disconnecting me from the extended human family of connections and deeper spiritual insights I’ve made along the way). This feels like an enormous gift.

      Honestly, my prayer is for you folks to have a presence in all Jewish schools in the diaspora. (Perhaps other schools would be open to it as well, I don’t know,  but I know I would have benefitted enormously from your insights as a child and teenager when my world was crumbling around me). Just feeling very grateful right now.

    • #54667
      Sixela Melendez

      I have discovered that is not a religion and the correct way to pray.

      Kabbalah just confirms that there is something more…a higher wisdom in a practical way.

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