What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #334551

      My best experience was seeing the intellect behind many things. I expect this course will help me know the intelligence behind my inability to cope with some challenges that have popped up recently. Even though I know and understand the solution is to be willingly and happily bestowal, that is simply impossible sometimes.

    • #334538

      Many great experiences from the last course all centered around a new perspective on the true purpose of life and the possibility to transform from my inborn selfish nature to the desired altruistic outlook that will be positive to all I come in contact with, and bring happiness to the Creator.

      I’m hoping that this course will continue to deepen my understanding and commitment to this journey.

    • #334347

      The situation of the world, the last atrocities in Israel and the economical coming storm, atrocious and scariest; but e perfect situation to awake peoples in the basic purpose of Judaism, the union of the peoples, the shatters of our individual “Kli”. CABALA may be not the ONLY solution, or even the primary or principal solution. But is a forward step to better comprehend our neighbor by comprehending our self, in this world and time we are living.

    • #334319

      I am looking forward to a deeper understanding of how to become closer to the creator.

    • #334220

      This is unlike anything I’ve learned before. I grasped a good basic understanding. (Although I will probably go back and review a few times. I have a problem with short term memory). Noting I learned went against my grain. It all felt true. I find it fascinating that in all my years, I’ve never stumbled across this before. But then, God is always on time.

      What do I expect going forward? Simply to just keep learning… to go deeper, to continue my spiritual odyssey.

      The other thing that is most rewarding is to be brought into this universal consciousness to help nurture a world wide real peace movement.

    • #333961

      I am getting the foundational information without the religious dogma.

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