What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #333953

      Well, it was interesting enough for me to decide to take this course

    • #333928

      Best experience from prior semester was that the material flung me outside my comfort zone.

      I expect to go deeper into the concepts and descriptions of this reality to propel the journey.

    • #333917

      An inner feeling that this is my path.

      I have no expectations but am a bit concerned about the inexhaustible supply of material.


      • #333929

        Hello Ramar, I feel a bit the same about the vast volume of information. We’ll make it! One move at a time, I suppose. Have a good day

    • #333830

      I’m looking forward to learning how to become closer to the Creator.

      • #333931

        Hello Kathy, so am I. The Creator seems to have been real elusive for me over the years. I am hoping to remedy that.

    • #333705

      My best experiences, sorry they are plural. Are a) to finally understand what Kabbalah is, I was given false information elsewhere. b) that is is far more than I hoped for.

      My hope is to continue on my learning journey and achieve the best that I am able to, hopefully total success. This,  so as to help the world and all its occupants, both human and otherwise, become as God wishes it and I do too.  I also hope that the other students achieve this too. Together we can make a difference.

      • #333930

        Hello Gillian, thank you for the wishes to achieve some of the great things we’ve heard about. I also hope we can make a huge difference in this world.

    • #333511

      Primero que nada, desde el fondo de mi corazón siempre les agradeceré las enseñanzas, el amor, el tiempo y el esfuerzo de todos los que hicieron posible este curso. Me inspira para poder ayudar a otros de la manera increíble que ustedes lo hacen.

      Las Cuatro Fases Básicas de Luz, la Pantalla y la Intención me han impactado el alma como un rayo, dándole sentido a la palabra Perfección. Veo estas lecciones una y otra vez, y cada vez el sentimiento que producen en mí es más fuerte y más profundo.

      De este nuevo curso espero interiorizar las piezas del rompecabezas que finalmente me proporcionarán la sensación interior de haber encontrado el camino correcto de regreso al Creador. Tambien me gustaria entender como usar el libre albedrío.

      • #333932

        Hola Yai! Mi Espanol no es muy bueno. Pero . . . el concepto de el libre albedrio ciertemente sera interesante.  (Looking at the date of your post, you are a week ahead of the group I started with.)  Buena suerte!

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