What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 335 total)
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    • #329500

      The previous courses have helped me to work on my ego-centrism, I’m now more aware of my close ones desires. Now that use “Love thy neighbor as thyself” as my motto, I feel like I’m on the right path to get closer and closer everyday to the Creator.

    • #329145

      Every time I sit down to study is the best experience. Whenever I find myself worried and distressed by corporeal things, it always feels like returning home to study. I hope I can carry that feeling with me all the time, eventually, no matter what life throws my way.

    • #328453

      I’ve enjoyed reading Kabbalah Revealed 1+2, and Kabbalah in Action (67%).

      The experiences which have enriched my life come from the knowledge bestowed in these teachings. Who’d of thought that connecting w/ the upper force is as simple as loving thy neighbour.,

      I see the course content differences, in particular for this forthcoming Kabbalah Experience programme. I’m looking forward to our first Live Workshop, and the prospect of organising an epic Kabbalah Congress event > how exciting :-).

    • #328344
      Dante Yigael

      My best experience from the previous course was gaining the understanding of the difference between the Spiritual Vessel and the Egotistic Vessel and what happens when I develop from beginner through intermediate unto advance learning.

      What I am expecting from this course is by the end I will be well prepared to join a Ten and learn how to plan and execute an epic Kabbalah Congress event myself.

    • #327470

      More practical insight.

    • #327392

      How to connect with a ten

Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 335 total)
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