What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #313482

      What I liked the most from the previous course was to learn that resistance and/or rejection are part of the equation. So far, I love the fact that Kabbalah never goes against our nature; even to get to be different from it (to bestow instead of desiring to receive for us) uses our own nature. Of course another example is that we can’t develop spiritually alone, only with “the others”.

      What I expect now is to learn the tools in order to be able to start working with and within a group. 🙂

    • #313250

      My best experiences from the last course has been to sit in a quiet place to read and contemplate the Q&A of Kabbalah Experience. I also enjoy reading Kabbalah Science and the Meaning of Life. I find great satisfaction knowing that I am on a spiritual path with friends and that we will be doing spiritual work together!

    • #312543

      The Wisdom of Kabbalah helping me to Know and Grow! Thank you Friends for all you are and all you do ❤️

    • #312424

      My best experiences have been in the books.

      I was reading Kabbalah Science and the Meaning of Life last night

      “The more one senses the Creator as clothed in reality, the more one discovers that the Creator is within oneself and directs one’s senses toward that sensation, and the more one loses oneself. All that remains is a tiny point where one stands as an observer, watching the revelation of the Creator from within and from without. This is why Kabbalists said that the Creator created the Kli, as well as filled it with the picture of the world.”

      My expectation of this course is to continue to learn to connect with others.

      • #312541

        Thank you for helping me grow ☺️

    • #312313

      Learning more in depth along the course and know everything is perfect and how is suppose to be, even if feels the opposite, is the best take away. I’m looking forward to embrace whatever the next step of development is through a group, curious to see the world through other people’s perspective.

      • #313694

        Thank you for all our are and all you do ❤️

    • #312072
      Natalie Steenbok

      Hi Friends,

      My best experience was learning about the workshop and environment that accelerates

      my reformation. I loved the understanding of being humbled as we raise others and still reach receive light

      if not doubled. I hope to finally experience an environment that breathes Kabbalah.

      • #312542

        Thank you for helping me grow 😊

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