What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 302 total)
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    • #305782

      The Spiritual Adaptor (Video 5.2)! That was the best explanation of the Partzuf. The answer to the mystery was made clear by the diagram alone. Thank you for that.

      I expect to develop a soul.

    • #305036

      Prayer and connection with others

      learning with others using kaballah wisdom

    • #305023

      My best experience from the previous course was feeling validated by some of the concepts and values taught and the “ah-ha!” moments when something I didn’t understand before came into focus. My desire for spirituality is growing. In particular, I’m grateful for understanding a bit more about the kabbalistic environment and what is required/ expected in the groups. I hope to build this understanding more in the next 5 weeks, to feel ready and able to give my abilities to you.

    • #304829

      My best experience was delving more deeply into the importance of connection and also the introduction of experiment through. the lab.

    • #304178
      Toni Peltonen

      Best experience of last course was making through it. I started to have huge resistance towards the teaching in the beginning and a feeling of anxiety to connecting with others. I hope to overcome these challenges with the help of this class.

    • #304060
      Henk Hadders

      Wonderful insight in the next aggregation level beyond the individual”: the group. Makes me wonder what Kabbalah (bestowal) organisations and societies might look like ?

Viewing 6 posts - 181 through 186 (of 302 total)
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