What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #302780

      The best experience from the last course was realizing that the creator wants only good for humanity and that the reason we don’t recognize this is due to internal factors that can be changed through the wisdom of kabbalah.  I would like to learn from this course some of the practical ways to make these changes.

    • #302167

      My best experience from the last course is knowing about GE and AHP. And what I expect in this course is that I will know even more fascinating things than the last course.

    • #302071

      The last course (and all of up to now) have seemed like teasers, whetting my appetite to want to know more and to learn how to put things into practice. From this course, I expect to experience some of those things.

    • #302064

      My best experience overall has been finding out why I suffer. and that there’s something I can do about it.


      I expect it to deepen my knowledge of reality and create joy and happiness in my life.

    • #301957

      My best experience is clearing up the incongrueties of mystical kabbalah with authentic kabbalah. I am ready to learn what I am able.

    • #301920
      Tove Jo

      Ho una problema con la memoria…mi e piaciuto tante insegnamenti durante il corso, ma non ricordo adesso. Potrei dire che mi rendo ben conto del mio carattere e il bisogno di correggermi.                         Non uscivo ad aprire il link per partecipare  con “live con Julian”. Stasera avevo problemi per iniziare con Esperienza della Cabala, i problema era il computer.

      Adesso  mi aspetto che posso fare l esperienza del corso senza intoppi, o problemi serie, che il Creatore mi vuole  qui per evolvere e crescere. Grazie!

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