What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #396927

      the previous course was very simple and great was of getting to understand how to put into work what we have learned so far .

    • #394997

      My best experience from the previous course was learning advanced Kabbalistic concepts like the AHP and GE, and learning how Partzuf are built.

      I expect this course to cement me onto the Kabbalistic path, and clear me of any harmful influences that are sabotaging this effort, or my life efforts in general. I’m excited to work in live events!

    • #394351
      David the Bruce

      The previous course seemed to me to be just a primer…to prepare us to understand the importance of the Ten…and to get us ready to participate in it.   I do hope to learn more practical application in this course…and I’m very much looking forward to getting started in my ten.   I want to meet my fellow particpants that will be in my Minyan…and I want to meet my instructor…and get this process started!!

    • #394304

      The past course was inspiring in that some of the theory seemed to become more „hands on“. The section on real prayer was very inspiring. For this course, I hope to learn some of the theory into practice in order to understand more about the one force, and how to work with it.

    • #394210
      Renata Klem

      The course inspired me to feel as one with the group and to understand that everything I see in others are my own internal qualities. The point in my heart, when joined with the point in the hearts of the group members, will lead us to ascend to the upper worlds much faster than if I tried to do this alone.

    • #393384
      Deborah Joplin

      My best experience was attaining a more enhanced view of the Collective Soul–internality vs externality. I am growing in my perspective that those who oppose me, are ultimately also “me.”

      I appreciate that Kabbalah teaches the responsibility of Servant Leadership. I am a teacher, I have always known this concept. It is a high and worthwhile endeavor to attain the Wisdom of Kabbalah and to contribute to the ascension of the Collective Soul! Lead us on!

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 335 total)
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