What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #412916
      Ka Bubot

      My best experience I had was the perception of a new reality both within and outside myself which not only corrected most of my views regarding my life experiences and has shown me in actuality how everything seem different more meaningful and have sense. I have realized that I am an egoist by design and that I need the Creator to help me correct this by giving me wisdom and understanding to realize that we need to do spiritual works and apply all what we have learned from our teachers, our books and now through our friends to “taste and see that the Lord is good”.

      In the coming weeks, I am expecting that we would be doing spiritual works and be given instructions and be grouped to create the environment suitable to invite the Reforming Light to correct us, develop us, guide us for us to experience His goodness and reveal to us His infinite Love.




    • #412869

      In the recommend reading from the book The Kabbalah Experience for this course I find answers to my own questions that had been running through my mind.  The idea that I am moving forward toward a truer relationship with the Creator ignites in me an excitement for the future.

    • #412626

      My best experience are the interaction with other like minded individuals.  I expect to use what I have learned in an interactive environment and apply the tools to life.

    • #412619

      I really enjoyed the live zoom meetings the most.

    • #407974

      Ik leerde anders te kijken    het ontwikkelen van het zesde zintuig

    • #407816

      from the previous course I learnt how to put the teachings into practice and to better understand myself, hopefully moving on I can practice further on others., and learn more about self.

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 336 total)
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