What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #384601
      Francois Bernard

      Understanding finally the concepts and one in particular – the upper world & reality; I realise that all do is  transcending the said reality by correcting myself… and see more and more!

    • #384544

      Learning about the spiritual benefits of being of service to others was the highlight for me. The first two courses were more theoretical but the previous one was a lot more enticing – being able to practice  daily what we’ve learned thus far.

      More practical methods – a ‘hands on’ approach.

      A lot more in-depth.

      Thank you once again for the magnificent lectures, Julian!

      • This reply was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by Livi.
    • #383880
      Edward Onyango

      My best experience form the last course was learning that I have and option to direct my life rather than just living as a victim of circumstances being hurled all over the place by vicissitudes of life like in a terrible roller coaster ride.

      I am thirsty to indulge and drink of the wisdom of reception that would propel me to adhesion with my Creator and to realising His purpose for my life. I long for a better world, especially now, with pressing issues weighing my life down that seem to be beyond my comprehension. I desire to be free from enslavement of my own ego, sin, and suffering, into a world where I can be a net contributor and giver without end, whether receiving or receiving.

      I also desire more of what the Creator has in store for me and would like to learn practical ways of reception of His delights.

    • #383876

      That leadership is to serve and is opposite to north america and maybe other places right now.

    • #383821

      My best experience from the last course was the understanding that I am what I am made to be by Creator in the right place in the right time.  It was made very clear to me through the last course teachings.

      I expect in the next course to learn more about the wisdom of Kabbalah.

    • #383767

      When I had the opportunity to go on a walk during my course, I discovered quite a few things. Nature was there all along, I was a lover of nature, but in this particular walk I came face to face with the creator. Maybe not so in a physical sense or overwhelming sense, but it was there, a seed had been planted. I realized there was more to me than what I previously thought.


      So in this part of the course I look forward to cementing these glimpses and flashes of the creator. I look forward to being a Kabbalist. I know it sounds outlandish, but I see no reason why the almighty cannot bless me in this way. In this world I desire nothing greater than to see Him face to face. However He wishes to reveal His force unto me.


      I believe I was meant to go through this course. Thank you for showing up at a time when I needed to hear and ready to receive such wisdom.

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