Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

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    • #53439

      Free will is in choosing our environment, and correcting our perception of reality.  Thank you for this lesson.

    • #53170

      Depending on the individuals perception, their goals and orientation through life for example if my goal is to follow the guidance as presented and to obtain the knowledge to understand and follow ones incarnated purpose, or highest purpose, then by the definition of the choice i made earlier, there is no free will, all is as it was designed to be, unless of course i then decide to change my values and or goals away from such a purpose, i may do, in the name of free will so and receive the befits and limitations that come as an effect to the causation of that change of value

    • #52989
      Patty kitchens

      That is true we do learn free will resume within us but it is illusion that we’ve been believed to receive all the program that we mustered in our lives. We understand that it was wrong the solution to bring free will

    • #52696

      in your attitude towards giving.

    • #52695

      Our environment  and our attitude towards it

    • #52084

      This dilemma of confusion of where one’s freewill lies is well shown in the statement of Apostle Paul “the things I want to do, those I do not and the things I don’t want to do that is what I find myself doing”. He lamented there possibly would be nobody to help him out of this problem of confusion of “where freewill lies”, I believe. Your teaching aptly explains the sources of influences on our decisions and choices in life. We are more like puppets in the hands of the puppeteers DNA, education, upbringing etc., until with the wisdom of Kabbalah, I think we can learn how to align our will, decisions and actions with the altruistic forces of the Creator, so that we receive the gift of bestowal of perception of true reality. On this Kabbalah hints at the bestowal of prophecy and the Holy Spirit if I get your teachings right.

Viewing 6 posts - 127 through 132 (of 186 total)
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