Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

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    • #63218

      Our free will is only in choosing the environment around us, in what environment and with whom we live
      We have no choice in choosing the gene, the body, the family, the historical period and the country in which we were born. We do not even have a choice in choosing what happens outside our body. And be positive or in a state of suffering

    • #61307
      Melissa Holden

      I needed  to read the question many times because I do not perceive  my will as having a location.

    • #60703

      Free will lies in being able to choose the environment to foster growth, the rest in an illusion of free will

    • #60687
      Melissa Holden

      Will, or the desire to do something is up to the individual whether or not it has been decided or preknown by another. For Example, I know that is I allow my child to choose between a cocolate bar or an apple she will choose the chocolat bar. but she is still allowed the choice.

    • #60630

      I feel my free will is in my perception of what is happening around me and to me,I control my inner state of being, in doing so I create my environment from within

    • #60382
      Jose Ro

      This is a very interesting question. At this moment I cannot define whether or not I have free will, as well as whether it is real or not. I am convinced that, as long as we are “under the spell” of a religion, we do not have free will. Long time ago, when I attended the temple, I had a conversation with some religion teachers about the predestination of some biblical heroes. Adam, Cain, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Salomon, Jonas and many more were predestined for perform certain tasks. Whether they wanted to or not, they were born for such purposes. Perhaps, and that is my personal opinion, we are born for a purpose. And my task is to discover, through the study of Kabbalah, whether there is real free will or we are just objects to fulfill the whims of a “higher being.”

      • #127631

        Yes, adding to what Jose Ro said, would like to know whether each one is born with a different purpose for their life or is the purpose of life  same for all.

        In the lesson we learnt now, it says we have only one free will that is to choose our environment –  but when our birth, family, friends, situations are all programmed, do we still have a choice in terms of environment?


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