Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

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    • #43262

      Many years ago I read a fictional story by John Irving “A Prayer for Owen Meany”. Although it is fiction, it profoundly effected me and helped me to realize: “Who by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”
      New Testament-sorry!

    • #42943
      kenneth kimani

      From your lesson my free will lies in my ability to choose the environment that I wish to be in so as to grow but I am still trapped in this reality therefore I have no free will. What I have is the power to choose when I would like to begin the process of correction and to choose from among the many paths and teachers who present themselves, which is the correct one all this based on my limited perception of reality. Very confusing indeed.

    • #42942

      I dont know man…. If I just known where it resides then I can fill up every space in this questionaire. When Im thinking of this I find myself at the end of the rope already.

    • #42532

      So much of our lives moment to moment is informed and manifested from our matter, nourishment, and upbringing. Sometimes I feel that that which came before me is more of me than what I am now, and yet I am its arbiter on how it will be used and play out through the environments that I place myself in. Acting on the collection of these forces as a whole.

    • #42474

      My guess is 99% if not 100% of our free will is an illusion. I really cannot identify where it is real or illusion. I know what feels real but still, cannot say for sure.

    • #42252

      I am free to identify my desire is it egoistic or alturistic and ask for Creator for a necessary correation in order to bestow. Everything else is a show and I am not in control even what socks I will wear today.

Viewing 6 posts - 151 through 156 (of 186 total)
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