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  • Alexis Flores

    The power of intention and the understanding that past events have led us here. Looking forward to where it will continue to lead us.

    Alexis Flores

    Thank you very much Seth!

    All the best,

    Alexis Flores

    Hello there Seth,

    It is very nice to e-meet you.

    Currently, there are no questions. However, there is one thing, that has been of great help as of late for hmmmm let’s say “my growth” which is the idea of the will to bestow. Ever since this concept was introduced to me, I have been applying it in such a way that in order for “me” to be able to bestow love, attention and care to all of those surrounding me, I am taking care of my self in a way that allows me to do so.

    For instance, good sleep, balance in multiple aspects like nutrition, fitness and professional development. However, I used to be very judgmental towards my performance, which led to more and more activity or push of the limits one could say, which led to undesirable feelings (tension) towards myself and the ones surrounding me. Things are the opposite now, more or less, for the better. And the idea that one’s well-being is good for the greater good of those around is what has aided me in that sense.

    All of these changes have now led to a sense of guilt and shame towards previous behaviour which has an effect on the progress of the current path or approach towards life/reality itself. So, I was wondering if you had a few suggestions or course materials on how to approach the current dilemma or crossroads I find myself in at the moment. Pretty confident that as the course advances, I will continue to discover new approaches and tools but given I have not so many questions at this stage, I thought I could share this.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    All the best,

    Alexis Flores

    Complete perception, unlimited pleasure, will to bestow

    Alexis Flores

    Not sure yet. Understanding and Connection, let’s see. For now, preliminary material already stirring change and new perspectives towards one-self and others 🙂

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #333569
    Alexis Flores

    Hello there,

    My name is Alexis. Raised in Honduras (Central America) sciences such as this one were never part of my path. However, opening up and travelling around the world, I have come across different and ample knowledge in regards to the higher truths. Hopefully, throughout the course I am able to continue and expand on them. Looking forward to what is next.

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