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  • Rigo

    I expect from the lesson the mechanical functioning of the upper worlds and the soul, I’ve had some prior experience but I still feel like if there is still more to learn. I hope to achieve from the lesson the means to control my destiny, rise above suffering, and knowing how to receive the soul back.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #290801

    Hello my name is Rigo, I’m currently studying game design, hopefully I get to learn here the systematic principles of kabbalah which have fascinated me for a long time now, since I’m in a field that requires the student and designer to learn various subjects and through different experiences to be agile at design, I think this would be a great way to learn a new subject and also probably be practical to use.


    To understand the mechanisms of the creation of the worlds, I checked some of the diagrams and the mystery of what they have hidden within the language of branches is the same fascination I had in other similarly esoteric subjects like physics, astronomy, psychology and paleontology. Since I’m going to learn the language of a science it’ll have the same boyhood excitement when I meekly attempted to study the sciences.

    in reply to: How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered? #284796

    I feel having watched the lectures, that the intention of my prayers having been guided to be more in control of the Creator in order to fix my problems, so understanding how the intention works when acknowledging a creative force which sustains all life I now know that my prayer was intended in the opposite direction, I can now engage in prayer which has an intention to change me, and throughout the hours after having engaged in prayer, moments of meditation through contemplative inner conversation and inspiring moments in life illuminate in me a correct alteration of how I conduct interactions with others and moments of difficulty.

    in reply to: Tech Support #284648

    Thanks to the person that got the error fixed, thanks a bunch 🙂

    in reply to: Tech Support #284581

    Hello 🙂 needed to ask for help, I’m having problems getting the video to appear, I get a “ refused to connect” error message. I’ll include an image of the error so that you can have an easy reference. Thanks hope I can get some help soon.

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