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  • Flavia

    To perceive the Upper Forces.


    I liked knowing about the origins of Kabbalah. I found fascinating that it was in Mesopotamia 5.000 years ago that they attained the knowledge of the “Master Plan”. The explanation about how people back then could understand and connect to Nature better makes sense to me. The ideia that since then the egoism has been growing also makes sense to me, although I would “naturally” assume that in Mesopotamia people had problems with egoism as well.. I feel like researching more about their culture to understand this better.


    I expect to understand more about why this knowledge is being revealed in these times and to get one step closer of also understanding how I can practice it in my life.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #332370

    Hi everyone, I’m Flávia from Brazil. Since a young age I find myself questioning why the world is the way it is. As I stept into adulthood, I was trying to live a “normal” life, but this questions were always in the back of my head. I was active in studying basic esoteric content, but was never able to fully understand and/or apply that into my “normal” life. This year I started to learn about Kabbalah. I saw the Kabbalah Reveled on Youtube and felt like I found what I was looking for.

    So I’m excited to delve more into it by taking the course and hopefully being able to meet other people that resonate with all of this as well.

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