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  • Hooman

    Could you please explain Aviut a little more?

    I am a bit confused as to how Aviut is used in the “Preface To The Wisdom of Kabbalah” and the definition given in “Whose Reality Is Reality”

    “We must understand this cleansing, which we achieve through Torah and Mitzvot, and what is the Aviut (thickness/coarseness/will to receive) within us, which we should cleanse using Torah and Mitzvot.” (from Preface To The Wisdom of Kabbalah)

    “Kabbalists have a name for the will to receive—Aviut. Aviut actually means thickness, not desire. But they use this term because the greater the will to receive, the more layers are added to it.” (from Whose Reality Is Reality).

    Is it correct to say that we should use Torah and Mitzvot to “improve” Aviut or our will to receive?



    Could you please let me know if I am understanding this concept correctly?

    There are 4 categories to perception:

    A.      Matter

    B.       Form in matter

    C.       Abstract form

    D.      Essence

    I have learned that in studying the wisdom of Kabbalah, we should only focus on Matter and Form in matter since Abstract form and Essence are prohibited because we cannot perceive them, we have no knowledge or tools to understand them.

    When we talk about the “Equivalence of Form” with the Creator, is this “Form” the same as Form as part of the Form in matter mentioned above (different levels of perception)?

    Obviously, the Creator has no matter and since it is prohibited to study Abstract form and the Essence of the Creator, we can only perceive His Form in the form of the Light that he bestows upon us.

    I am wondering if these Forms are the same, Equivalence of form with the Creator as a way to perceive Him through his light.

    Thank you



    From the book, “Attaining the worlds beyond” page 100:

    “Light-that which emanates from the Creator and is perceived by us as immense pleasure. Comprehending the pleasure or perceiving the Creator (which is, actually, one and the same, for it is not Him we perceive but the Light reaching us) is the purpose of creation.”.

    I just want to clarify, is Light in Kabbalah the delight that we perceive from strengthening our connection with the creator ?

    When we experience  “sufferings” in this world, would that also be considered Light if what we learn from our suffering ultimately brings us closer to the creator and advance us in spirituality ?


    I am finally starting to understand that none of the things that happened to me were random and out of no where. Looking back, I am starting to realize messages that were hidden behind all the “good” and “bad” that has happened to me since I became aware of them. I am starting to understand my purpose in life and how I can help the world by correcting myself from inside out.


    Thank you Seth for your clarification.


    Just to clarify, Reshimot has nothing to do with our worldly “state” of struggle, correct?

    For example, I often look at people (including myself) who have been struggling with one major aspect of life for a long time. For example:

    ·       Person. A- has been struggling with financial problems for as long as he can remember. He is constantly worried about how others should “give” him money and he should “receives” it.

    ·       Person. B- has been struggling with building an intimate relationship and starting a family and this has been a long-time struggle for him. He is constantly worried about what his partner has to “give” to him (ex: attention, care, love, validation) and not what he has to offer to them.

    ·       Person. C- has been “worried” about others opinion of him for as long as he can remember. He is constantly worried about how to present himself so that he can manipulate others and as a result, “receive” validation and praise from them.

    Would Reshimot be the “lessons from creator” manifesting through these worldly struggles (financial trouble, relationship problem, lack of confidence)?

    Thank you

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