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  • in reply to: What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you? #363968

    It’s wonderful to know the true nature of prayer: what it is, how it works and why.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1 #363959

    Hello everyone.

    My name is James, and I’m a middle-aged husband and father of three living in and working as an English teacher in Poland.

    I suppose I’m one of those life-long “spiritual seekers” who has, at long last, been led to Kabbalah by the Creator. It’s great to (finally) be here.


    Once again, great lessons. Thank you so much.

    What’s blown my mind is the feeling, the deepening understanding, that everything I’ve been through in my life, every experience, every decision, every relationship, “good” or “bad”, has happened for a reason. A single reason. A reason I am now beginning to understand. Everything that has happened to me, is happening or will ever happen, is a result of the Creator’s desire to bestow upon me union with Himself. And now, with the help of these lessons, His desire is also mine. In this sense, we are already one. The process of rising back up through the levels of the worlds has begun. I can taste it. Just a little. Just enough to make me want to taste even more. There can be no turning back. It’s onward and upward til the “end” – of which there is no end. How wonderful!


    Thank you for this lesson. It is so reassuring to know that the feeling that I can never “measure up”, the feeling that the farther I go in my studies, the farther I seem to fall behind and the more unworthy I feel – is in fact by design. This is the intent of the Creator. This feeling of failure, of lack, is precisely the thing that causes my need to be close to the Creator ever more urgent, ever more insatiable. And this feeling is, therefore, the very proof that progress toward the goal, toward the Creator, is actually occurring.


    No question at the moment, just an observation. I love the idea of trying to see and understand the Creator’s intent behind every situation in life, knowing that the Creator is all good and only wants the best for us. It’s simultaneously so simple but also so profound and life-changing. Thank you for so beautifully illustrating this vital point.


    To echo what Esther said above, I am beginning to see that so many of the “random” events of my life were anything but. Also, I am coming to understand that the suffering I’ve endured in my life has been intended by the Creator not to punish me, but rather to compel me to keep developing spiritually by no longer being content with the shiny trinkets of this world.

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