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  • Javier

    The perception that everything is interconnected and guide by the force of bestowal, the thought of creation. The perception of oneness. That there is nothing besides Him


    Eventhough I heard 1000 of times before the word Creator even in the framework of Kabballah teachings now I think I have grasp the meaning as a force of bestowal (light) that penetreates and evolves all of reality, which is Nature itself.


    I undertad the rejection of calling Kabbalah mysticism as opposed to a precise and scientific method to attaine spirituallity. But actually the true meaning of mysticism (not the pop meaning) has to do with the direct experience of the dive (creator, nature) through the inner work of the ego. And the fruit of the experience is the expanded percepción and inner realization (attainment) of the oneness and subtle interconection of all of reality by a single y simple force of bestowal and love. Mystics live in esctatic joy in this reality and above it. Not disconnected of daily life but with a broader perspective and profound meaning. That´s the reason why religious estabishments in all tradition were/are against mystics. They do not hold to power strutures in this world and not attached to external forms. In that sense It seems that Kabbalah have been called correctly mysticism.


    I want to reconnect to the wisdom and method of Kabbalah with the correct approach, perspective and intention.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #293856

    Hi, my name is Javier Caravedo. I’m from Lima, Peru. I’ve been interested in spiritual searching all my life. I approached and learned from different paths, traditions and philosophys which I found enriching and part of my process but still something missing. I always wanted to know about the universe, life and the purpuse of everything. I’ve studied Kabbalah with Bnei Baruch for a year some Time 13 years ago. Then I studied with other schools of Kabbalah. During the pandemic I thought I would have time for my spiritual seach and inner work but it was actually quite the opposite I was derailed. I just reangage with Bnei Baruch through KabU and I’m suprised that now understand from the heart things that made sense to me at the beginig but didn’t grasp fully intelectualy. I’ m glad to share and learn with this community.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #293855

    Hi, my name is Javier Caravedo. I’m from Lima, Peru. I’ve been interested in spiritual searching all my life. I approached and learned from different paths, traditions and philosophys which I found enriching and part of my process but still something missing. I always wanted to know about the universe, life and the purpuse of everything. I’ve studied Kabbalah with Bnei Baruch for a year some Time 13 years ago. Then I studied with other schools of Kabbalah. During the pandemic I thought I would have time for my spiritual seach and inner work but it was actually quite the opposite I was derailed. I just reangage with Bnei Baruch through KabU and I’m suprised that now understand from the heart things that made sense to me at the beginig but didn’t grasp fully intelectualy. I’ m glad to share and learn with this community.

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