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  • Varda kahalany

    To have a clear understanding of the purpose of life , the universe, our origins and how I can contribute the most for advancing all this world

    in reply to: Ask Anything #326015
    Varda kahalany

    My questions are as follows:
    1. Why is it that the greatest Kabbalists of the past were all Jewish Rabbis. This gives the impression that somehow the Kabbalah is connected to Judaism . I also noted that most of the current Rabbis are holding the perception that one can’t delve into the Kabbalah before knowing the TORAH and for learning Kabbalah a person has to be ‘pure’ which is attained by strictly observing all the ‘Mitzvot’ in the Torah.
    2. By my understanding, the Kabbalah is written in Aramaic, but if the Hebrew language is the basis of the creation, why it is not written in Hebrew ?
    I hope that my questions do not sound stupid , I just would like to know how to respond to people close to me when they bring up the ‘reasoning’ in my first question ( first learn Torah then you can slowly start with Kabbalah).
    Thanks 🙂

    in reply to: CHC-Introduction #325607
    Varda kahalany

    Hi I am Varda, I was born in Transilvania and my parents migrated to Israel when I was 12. I have very few memories from Romania and I see myself as a typical Israeli, which I am proud of :-). We came to the USA 17 years ago ( can’t believe that so much time passed…..) , the intention was to open a business but things turned out differently and we just sticked here. I am an IT person since I remember started working, but my ‘other’ side is very spiritual, and my family (husband and kids which all are married now ) are on the orthodox religious side. I am sort of the black sheep – the conventional religious people see me as ‘chilonit’ (secular) and the non religious Jewish people see me as ‘religious’. My non Jewish coworkers and friends see me as a spiritual person and I see myself as a child of GOD, part of the universe and not so much part of this planet. Since early childhood I am searching and longing for something that I can’t define in words and my searches through the years led me to interesting things and expansion of my consciousness.  I believe that all spiritual practices have the same basis, each of them matching a different frequency of energy or in simple words, different level of perception, of different groups of people. I feel a strong relation to Judaism (more as spiritual practice then plain religion) and I expect from this course to expand my understanding\perception and maybe get closer to what I am searching for (which at this point is not so clear….).

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