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    It was interesting to see how I struggled with the format of the TGT episodes. I think this is a preview of what “work” is in the context of the group, and I look forward to that.

    I ended up skipping forward to the next course with the last part of this one undone, and I wasn’t sure why until I watched the “Is Peace on Earth Possible?” video, and it was a perfectly timed ( I mean SO perfect.. it feels like reality is having a highly articulate conversation with me lately,) answer to a gnarly problem in my subconscious lately.

    It’s so hard not to try to apply the concept of altruism by “fixing” things. This is a lesson my sister and I have actively grappled with for decades, and in that entire time I can’t tell you how many times we have recalled that quote from Kabbalah about how you cannot judge a job half done, you cannot judge a person in one state and know anything about where they are headed, or how. (Even though, in our experience the worst a child was that we knew the better they turned out to be as an adult, every single time.)

    But when you have learned that the greatest thing you have to offer others is your healing ability, your problem solving ability, your positivity… it is a very difficult concept to peel away from the concept of bestowal. You really have to go above reason to understand that what seems to be the kindest thing has nothing to do with what is actually the kindest thing, and all you can do is learn how to mean well, abstain from egoistic pursuits, and pray for the best. . . . and how this is actually the most intense work. This is taking real responsibility, not displacing your responsibility onto somebody else.


    Also, regarding the letter Bet in the story of the letters, and how it is the one without an opposing force, and that creation was made with it.

    Does that mean that this “blessing” force is how the Creator can influence us regardless of the system of nature, like a button to nudge an otherwise closed system in response to correct prayers?


    Do you suppose the 10 starts working before it is even formed into a group? I am asking because this week I stumbled across a lot of tools and pieces of information that solved some very intractable problems for people I care about. That feels like Light that I had the opportunity to pass to them.


    I was thinking about the description of the “box with 5 holes” that represents our senses, and about modern science techniques. And it made me think about how almost every instrument we use, including our senses, has this receptive structure of receiving a particle, or a light wave, radiation, etc, and then analyzing what it got. And how anything structured that way will intrinsically give the wrong data.

    If everything that exists in reality is just us and the Upper Force, than the only thing we can perceive with these instruments is our own current state. Since the instruments are receiving and they have equivalence of form with reception, they cannot measure anything else, and this is the mechanism that hides the Creator from us in our reality.

    I have understood before that we must bestow, radiate, give out, emit… in order to perceive the Upper Force. This always made sense. But it didn’t occur to me until this week the obvious consequence of that law in our world: that every device we create is only measuring itself.


    I think it means that the “others” are our first opportunity to get direct verbal instruction and communication from the Creator. He (they) can tell us exactly what to do and what to work on in ourselves, and point to what our priorities are in becoming functional in a system of bestowal.


    It’s not that you guys haven’t done a fantastic job of making materials. I’m halfway through the Kabbalah Explained Simply playlist on YouTube, and almost finished with the Basic Concepts in Kabbalah one. I read Attaining the Worlds Beyond (twice,) Kabbalah Revealed, Kabbalah Science and the Meaning of Life, Unlocking the Zohar (several times,) and I’m on page 340 of the Zohar.

    Compared to 15 years ago y’all have done an incredible job of making enough content to be immersed as often as I like. And in the past I enjoyed the books and wished there was nothing else I had to do. It just seems like recently there is so much urgency to do more. I guess it finally sunk in.

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