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ParticipantThanks Chris for clarifying. It can be a really confusing topic at times.
ParticipantIn the past 2 live sessions the topic of Judaism was discussed and one KabU instructor expressed that Jewish people in Israel are the ones rising to the top of the mountain uniting with the creator . But so are many non Jews that are studying kabbalah world wide so I don’t know why that wasn’t mentioned or emphasized either. I was reading Dr latimans article on the Torah and he said the Torah is written using 3 languages one of them being Jewish halakah which is Jewish law does that mean we have to follow Jewish law relating to Torah ? . I respect the Jewish people but I have no interest in religion and I have met many Jewish rabbis that say kabbalah is nonsense but it’s “Jewish nonsense”. So with this in mind why is Judaism being re-intertwined when Rav Latiman has said explicitly that kabbalah pre-dates religion. In the Larry king interview he says that, no kabbalah is not Judaism.
It’s been exhausting trying to understand this I thought the word “Jew” referred to anyone who is working with the point in the heart and not a person performing rituals. And are Jewish people really the “Chosen” people that are above the rest of humanity. If someone studies kabbalah would it not make more sense that, that person is also “chosen” in the sense they are doing the work in kabbalah. When Judaism gets put into the classes I just get confused again. But I can’t find this anywhere in Rav latimans books or Rav Ashlags. On the contrary when I read Rav Ashlags writings I find this beautiful sense of urgency he has to bring kabbalah far and wide to every single individual. But am I missing something?
Btw I write this in the most non combative way possible… Sadly the internet rips out human contact and emotions so things can be easily misunderstood. It’s a genuine question and one I’m confused on a lot. We are told to remove all our previous concepts about Torah and kabbalah etc but when all this gets brought up I just get confused again and it’s like I have to go back down to 0 and start investigating all over again 😮💨January 25, 2025 at 3:19 am EST in reply to: Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor. #420288Luke
ParticipantIt’s a question that never gets a clear answer and it’s hard to determine if what you have read and come to a conclusion to is what it’s supposed to be. I don’t think any instructor plans to answer this. Thanks for your input though. The moment I enter a 10 group I’m going to hit everyone with this question to see what the responses are 😆it’s burning my brain. I respect religious people but I cringe at the thought that I’d have to do rituals associated with religions to achieve corrections etc I’ve been religious before didn’t do anything for me. It’s an interesting topic.
January 25, 2025 at 3:10 am EST in reply to: Ask anything about week 4 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor. #420287Luke
ParticipantI noticed no one has posted here for awhile but I’ll still post my question and give it a shot.
We are told to work with a group and to practice the commandant of “love thy friend as thyself” but also I have been told definitely that the creator allows and doesn’t care about wars people make killing, world hunger. Looking at civilian casualties of all wars in the world it’s not people’s fault that they fall victim to the tyranny of politics. I get that’ it’s human ego but no everyone is to blame especially those caught in the middle that absolutely no one cares about or speaks of in the media etc. why doesn’t the creator help them?My question is. Does the creator care about us ? Or is our only purpose to imitate him and perform corrections to mirror the way he is. Does the creator interact with us ? Since I’ve been studying kabbalah for the past few years and more serious the past year, I haven’t noticed much change other than that I’m more aware of my arrogance and I’m trying to be more patient and understanding. But I haven’t had any solemn experience of the creator that I can identify and if I have achieved any corrections I don’t know what they are. Any advice ?
ParticipantMy man Chris how are you ?
This will sound like a cliche question but when we see human ego running wild and making chaos like war and famine why doesn’t the creator intervene? If you take civilian casualties for example or poverty where people are suffering because of their political leaders or lack thereof, why does the creator not make a way to save those people considering they are suffering through no fault of their own but even worse they are suffering because of the ego of their leaders etc. Where is the creator in thisLuke
ParticipantPrayer is the point in the heart, the pull towards wanting to “love thy friend as thyself” that desire in the heart is prayer.
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