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  • in reply to: Ask Anything #382235

    In the writings of Rabash and Baal HaSulam it says one progresses when engaging in Torah and Mitzvot, my question is how do you perform mitzvot if they are referencing the Jewish mitzvah like marriage, wearing tzitzit tefifilin etc?

    in reply to: Ask Anything #382099

    Forgive me for misunderstanding as you  can tell I really need to “Circumcise the negativity from my heart. I hope you can get an answer here. I used to be in your situation I was really religious and had to keep customs and abide by rules and regulations. But I eventually came to a place where I felt that spiritual aspects of life are more nourishing. But this took me 10 or more years to get to this position. This is what I like about kabbalah it takes you above and beyond. There is quote from a poet that says “Out beyond ideas of right and wrong there is a field I’ll meet you there” I’ve found that middle space between right and wrong it is: “just be” all we have is here and now. That probably doesn’t help. I hope they give you an answer to your question 🙂

    in reply to: Ask Anything #382006

    No not at all I’m just saying what you said mentions exactly that, stirring the focus back to Religious laws and corporeal actions. When dealing with the corporeal you stay in the corporeal. Kabbalah opens the window to to the upper levels. Would love to see the response if you post it as a question! Because if KabU really is about Jewish rituals and upholding corporeal actions I don’t need to be here Because I’m not Jewish and have no interest in Judaism ! To me when you understand the metaphorical symbolism of corporeal language like Mitzvot and covenants you don’t really need the physical unless you need it as a reminder. It’s an interesting topic one I find has some conflicting information.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #381997

    Last night I did the Q&A with Tony he was so great and explained to me that the Brit milah is referring to the screen. So my question is how do I actually realise that my screen is expanding and that I’m coming to the point where I’ve cut of the selfish desire to receive for the self alone do you simply analyse how you are responding to daily life ? And is it possible to utilise prayer as a means to ask for help from the creator to attain a screen (meaning help you overcome the desire to receive for the self alone). It requires a lot of work and a lot effort! Don’t think I can do it alone 🙂

    in reply to: Ask Anything #381996

    This another issue Jews have with Kabbalah as soon as the real meaning of a Mitzvot is explained they go straight into this cognitive dissonance panic like state and want to drag the corporeal Religious customs back to Kabbalah. You can just practice your religion if it bothers you so much. We need to get past this idea of kabbalah being the salt and pepper of “Judaism”. Judaism is a religion, kabbalah is not. Corporeal matters are not the be end all of Kabbalah. If Jews and Muslims and Israelites feel they need to Circumcise infants then they should do what they feel is most important to their religious customs. Kabbalah goes beyond this. Thanks for chiming in seems like a more Religious question you have here not necessarily a kabbalistic one. The Brit milah is a screen after all 🙂

    in reply to: Ask Anything #381801

    Hey Chris

    Hope that my questions aren’t bothering you. I can understand what you’re saying. I’m currently reading the writings of the Baal HaSulam and in it he mentions many of these things. But I don’t think he is telling people to go and receive a Brit milah and enter the covenant rather it seems like to me he is talking about these things that are spiritual states and not corporal action’s. But I could be wrong. And even then it seems like this is more or realization someone comes to and not another “moral correction”. Just hoping that I’m understanding this 🙂

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