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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #185101
    Maria B. W12

    Hello dear Friends,

    I’m attending this course together with you from Hungary and am very excited about deepening my understanding of the Wisdom of Kabbalah. Also look forward to be guided by Tony in this course and being in learning contact with you. In the hope that this process leads us to formulating a strong fellowship bond and joining our desire to attract the Light, can’t wait to meet you, learn from you and provide support to you.
    With love,

    in reply to: What do you imagine humanity’s emergent form to be like? #62567
    Maria B. W12

    The next step of our evolution, I imagine, will be that still through a line of incarnations within a material body and mind (ego) that we currently perceive as “I”, our divine point in the heart i.e. the fraction of the soul of Adam Harison gradually teaches us all to consciously interconnect. To create the “screen” and merge our divine soul points into a kli. To become able to perceive the beam of light, achieve higher consciousness and joint power to raise above the ego. To  become then capable of perceiving and receiving the beam of light in order to bestow and emerge as a joint power of love and compassion as transcended  humans. Ready to make it to the next spiritual level or world. Through further work, development and evolution we raise to the next spiritual worlds. On this way, eventually, we lose our material bodies to merge again into a singular soul and find eternal fulfillment by receiving solely for the sake of bestowal.

    Maria B. W12

    Hello Friends,
    I’m Maria, currently from Göd, Hungary. So happy to join your company! Isn’t it fascinating, how many we are and from how many corners of the Globe? I hope that as fellow Kabbalah students we will achieve in our studies the level at which we’ll not just establish harmony among us  but will become genuinely useful, too, in progressing the loving interconnection of Humanity.

    Maria B. W12

    As an interpreter, I’ve worked on top management consulting assignments. On many occasions could witness the power of joint thinking allowing, too, for inspiration from “outside the envelope”. One of the nicest cases was, when after a long debate the English speaking consultant-moderator suggested to invite one of the production floor employees into the management think tank. To contribute with ideas regarding the restructuring of the rather big firm. It was unorthodox, but the managers got curious and agreed. And thanks to the extra dimension the employee provided, it was easy to get accepted and implement the resulting restructuring plan, which proved to be profitable, too.

    Maria B. W12

    Absolutely Juju721! When the virus crisis hit, after a month into the global isolation I begun inviting close friends to enjoy each other’s company. We agreed that we did have a scare but refuse to fear all the time. Embraced with love on arrival/departure, ate/drank together, sometimes 20+ of us. No one infected, everyone balanced and happy. Over the “second wave”, however, my friends got the cold feet, our parties ceased “until vaccination”. Despite working from home, somehow all but me got infected and successfully healed.
    With physical social life gone, I press on disallowing myself to worry or “feel” lonely. Took up remote volunteer work, do gardening, place frequent calls to family/friends/acquaintances all over the world. Listening to how they feel, clowning to get them smile and immersing in the Kabbalah courses/zoom group meetings have helped me to keep fear, depression and – so far – the virus at bay. It seems indeed that loving focus on others can be the best preventive “medication”, too ;-).

    Maria B. W12

    I think it is because  we think we were created only to receive and hence follow our hording ego. However, this is not what Nature is about. Constantly felt dissatisfaction makes us aware and conscious that we all have the will to bestow, too, inherently built into us.

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