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  • Natalia

    I wish you all what I ask for myself from the creator everyday, to be filled with light of certainty , strength and perseverance  to sustain our  path towards unity.


    My understanding so far , is that the  more we align  ourselves with the will to receive  for the good of others, the more we are similar to the creator and the more everything starts to function in order to the creator´s will to give us everything at all levels. So we aim to enlarge our vessel to recieve more and more light and accept everything that happens in our life with the understanding  that those  situations, even though they may be unpleasent or may  cause us pain , are kind of a field of practice set up for us,  If we mange to receive them with certainty and acceptance they will serve us as to enlarge our vessel and  advance towards building that “receptor”we are missing . Becoming more like te creator by  “similarity  of form” in our actions , we will connect with him more and more .  We may  fail one time after the other but if we persevere , we will dismount old patters and replace them  with new ones… and since this is a gradual path. We will be in the right direction.


    To that perception that is not limited nor created  by our five senses and that will  situate me as one with the creator.

    in reply to: CHC-Introduction #331414

    Hi my name is Natalia. I live in Spain. I was introduced to Kabbalah 10 years ago but I left it aside and continued my spiritual work through many other different traditions. All of them have contributed greatly to my spiritual growth but none have touched me so deep as now Kabbalah- so purely by “chance” ,when I was desperately demanding , Kabbalah showed up again and has now become my definite path. In a very short time it has tied up all the loose threads that were left along the way and now I am determined to go in deep, as it resonates so deep within my soul. I am conscious of the importance of the Hebrew letters and I am eager to learn at all levels so.. here I am ¡¡¡  -so , determined and exited.

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