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  • in reply to: What is the best way to contribute to world peace? #283977
    Richard Lively

    The best way to help toward world peace is seek the path of light through the wisdom of Kabbalah and learn the true teachings of Ba’al Sulam through proper lineage and environment which will create both a qualitative and quantitative growth in spirituality.

    Richard Lively

    Before Kabbalah i did something for 20 years, I truly enjoyed it for the self.  It was probably the most selfish thing I have done for even more than 20 years, but prior to finding Kabbalah I gradually got more and more mal adaptive to it.  It all started about 5 years ago.  Since I was a child i loved to just play and imagine play, and then play became easier with the advent of computers in fact one’s imagination became one’s playground with art and many other things.    I was obsessed with my hobbies but a few years prior to learning what Kabbalah was my hobbies were not enough.  I could no longer sustain my desires to fill the self with pleasure from the things I know for a fact completed me at one point and time.  Now all that will complete me is reunification with the creator.  Nothing else will ever do and i think even when I was in my hobbies that was always sort of part of the goal.  What doesnt make sense about it all is, I dont understand what happened.  One day i was content in self absorbance and one day my hobbies started making me tired.  I know now from studying at Kabu basically this was a type of development.  But it happened so sudden if i hadnt found KabU i would have just stayed depressed and miserable.  I have tried to get back in to some of my hobbies (im currently trying to draw something again and even though im not an artist i love to create art) and i just cant pull myself away from Ba’al Sulam’s writings or these courses.

    Richard Lively

    The ancients believed in forces that they called “gods”, they accepted things such as destiny and fate as the only outcomes of decisions of beings they thought were actually real.   Plato was said to have said “life must be lived like aa play” and even Dr. Rav Michael Leightman says that, “We must play until we know”.   I have often felt that life was on huge picture screen I was just watching, and from a very self centered part of the universe I was simply finishing a movie that had not quite understood the other objects in.   I have felt like this since I was around 6 years old.  Phycology even teaches us that we have roles in our family similar to that of being in a play, so when i discovered Kabbalah I knew I was on to something that is and probably has been very old in my soul more than just in this body. I am not even very smart, but somehow im remembering many things that relate to this topic even though I barely studied anything on them growing into my age.  It truly is a fantastic voyage, but I have some how always felt I was in more of a nightmare than a dream, of causes and effects that were beyond free will and simply part of the movie I started watching long ago when i realized it was actually just that and i was along for the ride until it finished.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1 #283968
    Richard Lively

    Hello I live in the USA, I have completed Kabbalah revealed 1 and 2 and am working on Kabblah in action and experience soon.  I am taking all the side courses at some point and I am here because I am looking at some of the other courses

    Richard Lively

    I call my wife old  and she laughs, laughs at me after jokingly reminding me im only one year younger than her (technically its almost 2 and i push this to the limit as well).  We are getting older but nothing has changed.  For over 10 years now we are really solid in our foundation of where we started.  And this is because I made it clear before we got married “I wont change if you dont” and we simply never tried to change each other and we didnt change.  We dont let life in our home, we dont doo politics or sports, we simply raise our kids and leave the media and most influences out of our personal space.  We used to have problems early on when we let family or friends get too far and give HORRIBLE advice on how to be happy.  Then we met a professional that explained, we were right in the beginning.  Now most of those people who were giving horrible advice are either divorced or simply in relationships of stagnation while the wife and I are thriving as a couple and always have.   My wife cannot be annoyed by me because I bring her joy and she brings me joy.  I dont see this changing and I have always accounted it to a blessing from above that was  just given to me.  The only way i can annoy my wife is if i spend too much on something and she doesnt feel its mutually beneficial or worth the cost.  We are a couple and we make all decisions even financial and that is really the secret to a successful relationship in general.

    Richard Lively

    I would like my relationship to be much like the one i have at home.  We both serve each other in ways that we could not serve each other ourselves the same way.  Relationships are a give and take and love does not include thinking about “oneself” only.  We are all “needy” in some way but in the end its about doing for your partner and finding a partner that will do the same measure for you.  If its not symbiotic then its just not going to work.  I already know i have this kind of connection with the creator because the torah taught me now to treat my wife.  I honestly did not realize how much I had already become more Kabbalistic until i started taking the courses prior to learning about Kabbalah.  My whole life has been to service others in a way that I wanted to be treated as well.  Even people who I considered not a friend or  strangers.  This will never change.  I knew long ago that all was created good and nothing was actually evil in the sense of how the majority of the world would define it.  torah teaches me that nothing on the planet can challenge the creator so i knew that everything was working as intended.  Kabbalah was an easy concept for me to accept because of observing torah and mitzvot.

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