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  • Ricki

    To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?
    I want to experience reality as everyone working together, compassionate, considerate and kind to one another. I want to comprehend the meaning, feeling, and perspectives of my friends in a way that I don’t have to guess what their intentions are.

    Somehow I’ve made it this far in life, despite bullying and rejection, believing that everyone is truly kind and loving at heart. Some recent events in my life have shaken this up: I feel like I’ve lost something, and now my attitude is pessimistic, plus the emptiness is growing larger. How can people ignore suffering?!? I want Kabbalah to show me how this path could possibly lead to a world of harmony.

    I understand how the development of a new sense is possible, yet futile to try imagine it. I hope Kabbalah leads us to taste and strengthen this seed or gift.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #184744

    I’m living in New Zealand!

    I began researching world history, religions, mysticism, the occult, about 4 years ago. This was after influence from friends interested in Astrology and magick, and dropping out of my BsC degree. Inevitably Kabbalah, and then KabU came up in my google searches. I’ve transformed a lot since then, and now feel ready to engage at a deeper level.

    How about yourself?

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #184743

    I’m living in New Zealand!

    I began researching world history, mysticism, the occult, about 4 years ago. This was after influence from friends interested in Astrology and magick, and dropping out of my BsC degree. Inevitably Kabbalah, and then KabU came up in my google searches. I’ve transformed a lot since then, and now feel ready to engage at a deeper level.

    How about yourself?


    I have a few questions:

    1. Would it be accurate so say that the descending of light through the 5 worlds, is a refinement of that light?

    2. Do thoughts only exists in the corporeal world? Can thoughts be considered a corporeal sensation?

    3. If The Eternal is above time, why do i experience time as a flow? Is this a result of there being a barrier/ machsom? If I were to experience life above the barrier, would time feel different compared to what I feel now?


    I want Kabbalah to show me how to reliably and consistently connect to divine force or guiding principle inside myself.  I expect this will improve how I experience life.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #184383

    Hi Akiva! Where on this earth are you living right now?

    It’s nice to see someone within my generation here 🙂

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