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  • in reply to: Ask Anything #417475

    Nathan Nathan,

    You might look at this, although it’s not one of KabU’s books. Chassidus incorporates Kabbalah in their teachings, but not strictly Baal HaSulam. Might be of interest to you.

    You can look inside this book here:



    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Sheila.

    The English version compels me to write, as a student, or a scribe.

    The Hebrew version draws me like a moth to a flame. It speaks to me from an ancient memory. The words evoke a feeling I have had only once before in this lifetime, very long ago, when I stepped out of the plane on the runway in Tel Aviv. Suddenly I knew I was Home.

    I do not speak Hebrew in this incarnation but I hold pure certainty that it won’t be long and I will know these words again.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #394846

    May I jump in here Gianni? Just a thought I would like to add for Kai Andre Saue Skjelbred for reading. There’s a little book, physically small, called Gems of Wisdom. I keep this with me when I am out and about. Just having it helps to keep my focus, and that is doing something spiritually. I always know it’s there. When I am waiting for something I open it to anywhere and read a little. Short pieces, easy to read. Gems of Wisdom.

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #394055

    Thank you for this course Gianni. Even as I struggle mentally with all the terminology, the different names, the abbreviations, the numbers, in the end my strong feeling is that this knowledge still has found a place inside me. Sometimes I cannot outwardly reach it, although it consciously floats around, still it resides within me. Somehow I have the feeling of knowing. And this feeling resides in my faith above reason.

    Once you said, One learns where the heart desires. This learning is in my heart, and here the light reaches me. Thank you for helping me know this gift from our Creator. There is illuminating light in this work for people who will truly know there is none else besides Him. I have seen how He works and am so grateful for your teachings Gianni.


    I have learned that I am able to ascend to the different levels of the worlds of BYA through my studies, enhanced by connection to teachers and friends. I am able to feel and receive the Light of the Creator, increasing at each world and each level within each world. But I cannot reach the point of the last correction in the world of Atzilut  until I am able to fully know and feel the completion of the assembly of souls within myself. I must adhere to the complete machine, all souls, before final adhesion with the Creator, in this life.

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #390073

    On the check for understanding quiz I have tried twice now but when I put All of the Above in question 3 it defaults to the number 4 answer starting with Atik… I will move on, tried again, same result. fyi.

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