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  • in reply to: LRH-Introduction #333508
    Tatjana Ristanić

    Hi, my name is Tatjana, and I am looking forward to read Hebrew, actually, my excitement reminds me of being a kid and looking forward to new things

    in reply to: Young Group with David & Igal Discussion #328201
    Tatjana Ristanić

    Excerpt #1
    155) Therefore we must ask, why then, did the Kabbalists obligate each person to study the wisdom of Kabbalah? Indeed, there is a great thing in it,worthy of being publicized: There is a wonderful, invaluable remedy to those who engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Although they do not understand what they are learning, through the yearning and the great desire to understand what they are learning, they awaken upon themselves the Lights that surround
    their souls.
    Baal HaSulam, Introduction to the study of the Ten Sefirot, item 155


    Thanks to the Creator, I found Kabbalah, and this science answered most questions I had.

    But, it is not all about me.  “why then, did the Kabbalists obligate each person to study….Although they do not understand…”

    In dissemination, also my life would have some value.


    in reply to: Young Group with David & Igal Discussion #327709
    Tatjana Ristanić

    For me, Rav Laitman is smart and wise man, and what I hear Rav says I take as highest truth, although I don’t understand it always, and I am ready to follow his message. I simply respect this man like no other.

    in reply to: CHC-Introduction #326852
    Tatjana Ristanić

    Hi, I am Tatjana from Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, also a KabU student for a while and I am very excited to start this course. My deep belief is that learning Hebrew helps me attain spirituality.


    in reply to: Ask Anything #302363
    Tatjana Ristanić

    Thank you Chris

    in reply to: Ask Anything #301534
    Tatjana Ristanić

    there is tzimtzum aleph, and then I came across tzimtzum bet (in “the Blueprint of creation” course), and those relate to the creature as far as I understand, but what about tzimtzum that is performed by The Creator, how is it all connected

    and, one more question, Neshama seems to be the highest level to attain because…, help me with this, Mike Kellogg just said that Keter and Hochma don’t break, and that shattering is in Bina, so if you can say a bit more about it

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