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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 679 through 684 (of 1,203 total)
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    • #315328

      What does rav mean when he says kabbalah is experimental?

      • #315375

        Hey Todd,
        I’m not sure of the context exactly, but if I were to guess, I’d say he’s talking about the practical aspect of it and not the theoretical aspect. The practical aspect being you experiment on yourself as you take on the advice of the Kabbalists and implement the rule of “love your neighbor as yourself”. You try one thing, doesn’t work. You try another and you see results, etc..

    • #315324
      mrc s

      Is judging favorably also applies to those who offend me, kinda hard is it

      • #315374

        Hey mrc,

        The typical rule is (with regards to spiritual work) if it’s difficult (against our nature), it’s usually the right place of work.

        Just remember, our spiritual work doesn’t apply to anyone outside of the group here. You just can’t work toward someone who is not on the path. That’s an angel the Creator put before you to push you back to your work between you and the friends that share the same spiritual goal.

        This is a pretty difficult part to accept for beginners since it feels backward, but we can’t conquer the will to receive however we want. We have to approach correction how Kabbalists advise us – in “small bites” from lightest to heaviest.



    • #315323
      mrc s

      How can a person Love others more than himself, that persons must be the geniuses, advanced etc

      • #315373

        Hey mrc,

        Hah! Right! At least you are able to make that initial discernment. But of course, it has nothing to do with intellect. Most of the time our intellect actually hinders us from making spiritual progress. Our egoistic brains which are tied to our egoistic desires will always looks for “progress” within the ego –  which is impossible.



    • #315321

      What happens ,when we are all at the state of reality where we are all forces, with the parts of creation that are not human?  And is that only attained at the end of correction?


      • #315372

        Hey Todd,

        Well we’ll have to see when we get there! Kabbalists don’t write about what happens after the end of correction and we certainly will have difficulty imagining what the end of correction is if we can’t even imagine the first degree, but of course, we can depict to ourselves slightly how imaginary this reality actually is at times and the only thing that really exists is our inner realities which depict to us what we see out the outside.



    • #315320
      mrc s

      Why is there poor people and sinners, why God make me low, I want to be successful and at least middle class

      • #315371

        hey mrc,

        The Creator doesn’t consider the “bodies” the same way we do. What we call “life” is not what the Creator considers life. He wants to provide true life, and we want an imaginary life. Successful in His eyes are His created beings demanding correction and not a better life in this world.

        I understand you though.


    • #315319
      mrc s

      Is it okay to blame the Creator, is all my problem my fault?

      • #315370

        Hey mrc,

        Blaming the Creator is better than blaming yourself. At least there you understand it was from Him and not from you!


Viewing 6 posts - 679 through 684 (of 1,203 total)
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