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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 1,202 total)
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    • #373438
      mrc s

      In the allegory the servant and the master, the servant gets more pleasure for the suffering he experiences in the past so do we better seek suffering much so that we are rewarded more in the future?

      • #373716

        It’s not that we need to “seek” suffering like I mentioned below, but the idea that the suffering indeed is a place for greater revelation. Great lack = greater revelation.

    • #373437
      mrc s

      Is all people (and other beings) have equal amount of pleasure?

    • #373433
      mrc s

      Is suffering have a compensation in the future? if so then the wicked is more rewarded?

      • #373714

        There’s something to what you’re saying, but don’t make out suffering to be sought after. We don’t know why some suffer more than others but there is a kind of “cleansing” aspect which prepares a person for correction.

    • #373424
      mrc s

      Is aramaic and hebrew language superior to english?

      • #373713

        Hebrew wasn’t spoken until the establishment of the state of Israel. Then it was decided it would be the national language. Until then, there were many “developed” languages and take some grammar and vocabulary from their area of origin. Aramaic though, has a more special place in the wisdom of Kabbalah. This is the language the Zohar was written in, known as “the language of the vessel”. It was more commonly used in communication, like in Babylon. Hebrew as “the language of the light” and Aramaic as “the language of the vessel”.

        Now, I wouldn’t say “inferior” or “superior” but obviously the English language came much later in time but it still has its spiritual root, certainly.

        • #374281
          mrc s

          interesting, what is the difference between the language of the vessels and lights

    • #373386

      How can the desires from adam kadmon get bigger and more distant from the creator, if it was before they even got to this physical world where sin is materialized? 

      • #373389

        The return to united all the shattered pieces (desires) grows the desire to become more complex and intricate. It underwent concealment and distance from the Creator which now, when we begin to yearn to return to adhesion, we’re returning not just with that single desire but something much more complete.

    • #373337
      mrc s

      If we think bad of other people does it effect them, if judging others positively do we think that it doesn’t effect them?

Viewing 6 posts - 67 through 72 (of 1,202 total)
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