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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 1,206 total)
  • Author
    • #373249
      mrc s

      Is it better to be more egoist or less?

    • #373235
      mrc s

      After the breaking of the vessels do we still experience the bread of shame or every happiness we earn it?

      • #373277

        We’re guarded from it by doing the “work”, meaning, we compensate and instead of as if receiving abundance without “money” to pay for it, we acquire the intention to bestow which “covers” our debt.

    • #373234
      mrc s

      In what stage do we feel the bread of shame, is it after stage one when we receive infinite pleasure?

      • #373276

        It’s before Tzimzum Aleph.

        This keeps us from feeling it directly, but when acquiring the restriction and screen it’s felt where it is and what it is as opposed to completely hidden from us what was restricted and why.

    • #373233
      mrc s

      Is infinite + 6 more numerous than just infinite?

    • #373230
      mrc s

      In behina aleph we receive infinitely and in gmar tikkun we receive also infinitely, so what’s the difference?

    • #373183
      mrc s

      Does the Creator influence us or are independent of Him?

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 1,206 total)
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