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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 895 through 900 (of 1,207 total)
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    • #302324
      mrc s

      I’m scared of God, He seems like a tyrant and a bad parent.., what should I do.?

      • #302437

        Hey mrc,

        It’s hard not being in control, and being “in the know”, but just like children growing up who have no idea in what direction they’re developing and towards what, we too are in the dark. That certainly accompanies other thoughts and doubts and questions. Yes, but now you have Kelim, sensing vessels that are a foundation for answers to such questions and thoughts when you’ve prepared them fully.



        • #302440
          mrc s


    • #302254
      humehr garivani


      why i get very tired when i recite ana bechoach?

    • #302226
      mrc s

      Is romance better than sex or depends on the inner state and the body..?

      • #302436

        Hi humehr,

        I wouldn’t exactly be able to tell you why…but in general, if the body (body also meaning ‘ego’) then it finds no livelihood in such actions –  the “what for?” may not be clearly defined and if it is, there is no reward and so the body would find no interest.

        That could be the case, that you’re touching on such inner points, inner rejection to the path that leads to love of others, that the body, the ego feels rejection to something it is naturally opposite to and against. This would be a good sign that you’re being shown your true nature.

        If you are not aimed towards adhesion with the upper force through your attitude towards others, then it’s probably related to the initial explanation in my first sentence.


      • #302435

        We can’t really comment on this mrc. Kabbalah only deals with the inner correction of a person, and does not relate to anything physical.

    • #302166
      mrc s

      How can a sinner be righteous..?

      • #302434

        Spirituality exists between two opposites. This is how the created being perceives reality – sensing a plus can’t be without the existence of the minus. For us, something exists if we feel it.

    • #302017
      mrc s

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Why im not as happy as everyone else, I study Kabbalah, I think I’m zealous for God’s Mitzvot although I’m not loving him as much as many people I guess coz I feel bad..? I don’t understand</p>

      • #302090

        Hi mrc,

        We are all different. You can’t compare us. However, there should be a level of fulfillment a person arrives at on the path when they start revealing what it is they’re actually engaging in. When you see there’s nothing else in the world except finding the path of truth. That there are many pleasures in the world, but you can’t enjoy from them. This, in the right context is actually a very joyful revelation – that you have in your hands the path to truth, instead of being stuck in a bad dream you can’t escape from.

        Best of luck,


    • #301934
      mrc s

      What’s my attitude, what should I think if someone offend me.?

      • #302088

        Hi mrc,

        Go back to none else besides Him. Even though it’s just words. Look at yourself from the side. The more you go into yourself the more disconnected you are from the true reality.



        • #302165
          mrc s

          Like the offenses is done by the creator..?

Viewing 6 posts - 895 through 900 (of 1,207 total)
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