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  • #33838


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    • #301283

      How do we know when we have reached a degree? I want to say I may have but I don’t want to think to much of myself although I think of all pleasurable things that happen is because of the Creator and know this is why I’m happy.

      • #301450

        Hey Joe,

        Each degree is a certain level of equivalence of form. If you can act only for the good of others/the Creator with nothing in return for yourself, meaning you have a restriction/screen and returning light over your desire and can work with it correctly in order to bestow. It’s not a guessing game whether you’re there or not, it’s just a change of reality on an emotional level where you see the Creator as the only force in reality and He is the closest thing to you, above you – above space and time, life and death – and nothing else in the world exists besides Him. These can be words and you can philosophize and imagine all kinds of things, but that’s certainly different that an emotional shift that values bestowal above reception – love above hatred – but certainly hatred of bestowal must exist at the same time.



    • #301278

      How do I draw closer to the friends, as I understand it is very important? Thank you in advance.

      • #301448

        Hi Joe,

        This is something you’ll always need to ask and clarify. You’ll constantly find you’ve been disconnected and need to come closer. Rabash tells us what can be done but at the end of the day, it has to do with your plea to the Creator to do that for you since you have no strength. First though, to have the strength to turn to Him, you need to acquire that from the environment but really in every stage, you need to ask Him for help every step of the way. The plea needs to be a true plea, which means a ripe desire which will come from the desire you’ve gathered from the environment.

        Best of luck!


    • #301114
      David J

      My desire to advance to a group, a ten is overwhelming me. If I’m not for me, who is? Patience is important but when? I want to advance (selfish) however I want to draw light for the friends. When? How to overcome this desperation? Those who have been here give me guidance. My lack is great.
      Thank you

      • #301465

        Thank you for both responses!

      • #301242

        Sounds like a great place to be, David!

        Some are apprehensive but know it’s the next step, some leave around the time of that recognition and some are excited and ready to dive straight in, like you. The one thing which is common to them all is finishing, at least, the initial courses. It’s really important to make sure everyone is more or less clear on what the goal is and that they have the basic foundation for why it is they’re doing what they’re doing. It also helps to know that everyone went through the same thing, the same courses and no one jumped ahead and came in somehow as an “excellent” student. That’s probably not what you meant in your question, but more of a response to others with similar questions.

        Hang in there and scrutinize that desire, get as many discernments and details out of it. “Rippen” it. Make great preparations for yourself and come with that to your first ten meeting.

        Good luck!


    • #301066
      mrc s

      How to receive spiritual strength..?

      • #301102

        This is the entire matter of the environment. As soon as a person understands that they have to take strength from somewhere since they themselves certainly have none – this is when they begin to see the value in the environment and how one needs to subjugate themselves before it in order to receive from it. This is everything Rabash writes about.



    • #301033
      mrc s

      How can I justify an unpleasurable experience..?

      • #301101

        We ourselves have no such strength for that. This is the divide I answered earlier below, being stuck between two forces. One which is good that does good and the other which wants to receive only for itself. Do you use all the means and expend all possible energy to nonetheless stay with the Creator and plead not to be separate from Him, or do you sink into your own desire and forget about Him and wish to curse the world or even try and take control of your life even more?

    • #300978
      mrc s

      It’s said that Assiya is all evil, my state currently have pleasure and pain alternatingly does that mean that now I’m in a better state than the world of Assiya..?

      • #301100

        Evil is defined as something which aims to remove a person from adhesion with the Creator.

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