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    • #286722


      I have a question. As I understand Creator provides an unlimited amount of desire, that are nor good or bad (they are neutral) and we as creatures by default are processing desire with the intention will to receive for our own benefit. As I understand we need to realize that and then ask for Creator to make corrections so that we can freely choose between those intention modes and be able to choose to receive in order to bestow knowing about other option that is by default: receive for own benefit.

      I and my ten need a desire to reveal Creator. If I and my ten don’t have such desire then we are lost from the spiritual path and not even thinking about correction.
      So question is: what should we be praying for in our ten? For a desire that would demand for us to want to reveal the Creator or for correction for our intention in processing desires? Or both?

      Thank you!

      • #287116

        Hi Jurgis,

        You’ll first be looking to find the right desire, what should you be lacking as a group of people who want to reveal the upper force between you. If you still don’t precisely feel what this desire is, then you ask for the desire for the desire – a “prayer before a prayer” as we hear it sometimes.


        • #287433

          Hello Chris!

          “prayer before a prayer” – ok, I will look into that.

          Thank you!

    • #286719
      mrc s

      Is there in the’s library the contents in the book In the shadow of the ladder..? thnk you..

    • #286718
      mrc s

      Can we know the essence of anything If we already reach gmar tikkun (equivalence of form with the creator)..? We can experience anything if we already one with God because God can do anything right..?

      • #288684

        No! What we experience in this world is mostly illusions, based of a false sense of separation from the divine, on fear. God does not experience illusions, only the truth which is always true. Once we have equivalent character, like God (Creator) we will see (experience) like the Creator, life, love peace, happiness, etc., and no more illusions which disappear when seen in the light of truth.

        “God can do anything …?” No, absolutely not. God does nothing. God Is. From this state of being-ness flows everything that is equivalent in form to His/Her qualities – life giving, bestowal.

      • #287114

        Gmar HaTikkun is the final correction, no difference between the Creator and the creature – all concealments revealed.

    • #286714
      mrc s

      I currently read the book: The master of the ladder, about the life of baal hasulam.., is it an authentic book, I really enjoyed it.

      • #287113

        This isn’t something published by our organization, so we can’t really comment on it. Not sure what’s written there.

    • #286713
      mrc s

      Is there a desire to receive bad/harm instead of pleasure..?

      • #287112

        No. Even if it’s painful and the ego found it worthwhile, it’s still considered pleasure.

    • #286460
      mrc s

      If I feel that my state is mostly bad does that mean that I haven’t reached the revelation of the face.., but I guess that I have repented from fear..?

      • #286617

        Hi mrc,

        These are all pretty lofty concepts. I will say, if you feel “bad”, then you’re probably talking about “bitter”, meaning life has its “bitter” moments and its “sweet” moments. I’m of course always longing for these sweet moments.

        Once a person is ready for a different realm of existence, they’re prepared to enter calculations of “truth” and “false” where what they feel in their will to receive, whatever their sensation of existence is whether it’s feeling good or bad, this, they do not relate to – meaning there’s no importance in how they “feel” but rather more interested in acting freely, independently of their inborn nature of acting only in order to receive for themselves and making calculations for how to reach greater levels of equivalence with nature by asking for bestowal instead.



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